Turtle | Teen Ink


October 24, 2018
By tallguy BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
tallguy BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On a day in October I, Logan Gouge, cut the lawn, the sun, that started to set, and the sunset was like cotton candy. It resembled wispy clouds, pink in color, and a peach tone which made the sunset radiant like a majestic butterfly. When I saw the blades of green grass sway, almost like something was moving in them, I stopped and investigated the mystery. It ended up being a painted turtle known for its orange stomach. Its shell was the shade of brown like wood chips, and the outline was orange like a tangerine orange ready to be plucked. It had a small slim head almost like a green slippery snake, that would hide its tiny head in its shell. I then decided to pick up the tiny turtle and put it in a tank with water. I fed it some crill and kept it for  1 year, I fed it the correct foods that it needed along with a proper shelter. Then when it got bigger I put it back into the pond where it belonged, and watched as the other turles popped their heads up from the water of the pond.

When I was a young lad I would oven go fishing with my grandpa. One day I remember quite vividly we were sitting on the dock and about 20 feet to our left was a majestic turtle. It was so beautiful and peaceful. In that moment time seemed to stand still, a moment of bliss. Then we got a bit on the line and that split second was gone but will live on in memory. I sometimes think of that encounter and get taken right back. I have learned since then that those times are rare and to cherish them.

Last year I came home from school one day. It was a warm and dry like a desert but still a level of excitement was in the air. My sister runs up to me and starts talking but the only thing I can tell from what she said is: turtle, in, house. I ran inside and saw a turtle sitting there in all its honor and glory, as it rams the corner of the fish tank with its head. He was a nice turtle and entertaining especially when we fed it worms, heh rip worms. Unfortunately he found some way to runaway and we never saw him again I just hope he is having a fun time in someone's pool.

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