Most Tragic Day Ever | Teen Ink

Most Tragic Day Ever

October 19, 2018
By Anonymous

Dear most tragic day ever,

I would like to let you know that you have changed my life forever. You were just so unexpected and terrifying, you were like a light flashing right before my eyes. You made me feel very depressed and sad i didn’t  know what to do with myself.

I tried hanging around my friends and family to make myself feel a little better but that didn’t work. I tried partying and going out but that didn’t work either. You made me just want to isolate myself from the world. I didn’t want to be around anyone or barely even talk to anyone . i just wanted to be in my room because that’s what made me feel like myself again.

I never knew i would experience any of this tragedy and i hope no one else does either. You really opened my eyes. You made me realize that something so terrible could happen so fast. I will never forget you. I want you to know that you’ve marked me forever. I’m just glad that you’ve shown me to always expect the best but always be prepared for the worst.

               This above work is completely original - Majhai S Benson

The author's comments:

This piece is very original. 

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