Personal Narritave | Teen Ink

Personal Narritave

October 18, 2018
By DominicLopez BRONZE, Auburn, New York
DominicLopez BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a nice summer afternoon in July. The outside weather felt cool and brisk. I was outside on my bike with my friends. Me and my friends rode are bikes everyday after school. We raced on a very steep hill. The chilly wind would blow on our faces as we dashed through the air. . Then one beautiful hot day out we raced down the hill and I flew off my bike like a firework and blacked out.

My mom and dad helped me off the road,and brought me to the Emergency room. When I woke up in the hospital bed I felt really drained and moved like a sloth. The reason I blacked out was I wasn’t wearing a helmet while riding the bike. I had to miss a lot of school. The Nurse told me to always wear a helmet while riding a bike. If I got a concussion like that again I could actually have severe brain injury. I also thought maybe I should tell my siblings and friends aslo.

My mom and dad supported me through the whole procedure.I was really frightened when I got my injury. When I got to school my friends were gleeful I was back. Now I know to follow rules and directions before doing other activities.

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