Immigration | Teen Ink


October 4, 2018
By Anonymous

If you´re from Mexico entering the United States you receive freedom but you also lose privileges and family. Growing up as a son of immigrant parents it has been tough and there has been a lot of bumps in our road. I hate seeing my parents worry or scared of the police because living the American dream shouldn’t consist of being scared every second of the day.

My dad moved to the United States because his brother or my uncle got murdered just by walking to a store. My dad wanted to avoid all of that happening to him so he came to the U.S. He brought his mom and my mom so they can stay safe also. My dad came and had to start from scratch. My dad said he brought me here because he didn't want me growing up in an environment where there´s drugs or violence.

When my mom moved to the U.S she said she was excited because she knew Mexico is nothing like the United States. What she didn't like was she knew she had a limit on things she can do. Just a couple weeks ago she was caught. She was driving to work when a police officer pulled her over because she wasn’t wearing her seat belt. For anyone else, it’s just a ticket. For a mother that is illegal, it’s “I have to go to court, I have to show identification… They will find out I am illegal. I will be deported… I have to call my lawyer¨.

People don't understand the stuff that immigrants go through. Some immigrants risk their lives trying to get to the U.S to live a better life and they also don't understand that immigrants want what's best for their family and just wants to keep them safe. There's a lot more to immigrants than what you know.

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