Pie with Cheese | Teen Ink

Pie with Cheese

October 2, 2018
By writergirl1 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
writergirl1 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Pie filled with cheese.

During the summer of 2017, I met my boyfriend’s family. His mom asked him what my favorite food was, and he said, “pie filled with cheese.” Why, why, why? What was getting myself involved in? I thought that it was embarrassing that he told his mom about my crazy Albanian food addiction with Cheese pies!  Panicking, I took two hours to get my hair as straight as a string.

Getting myself to glow, I used highlighter on the side of my cheeks and nose. Running up and down the stairs, I tried to find something cute to wear.  And there it was...knock knock on the door. It was time I ruined everything, my life, my relationship.

He opened up the car door for me, I cracked a smile at him and got into the car. He put the car in drive and drove off to his house. Along the ride to his house, I judged everything around me. The seat, windows, smell, air. Soon enough I was analyzing the houses around us. They were pretty!

Going down a steep hill, we entered his backyard. There they were. Dad, Mom, sister, brother. What do I say? How do I introduce myself? “Hi, I’m ANXIETY. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” My cheeks red as apples—so much for my that “glow” up am I right?

We sat down in the kitchen that smelled like pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks. His mom passing around the butter, and bread. Here it comes, my favorite food. Crust over crust mixed in with cheese, the steam that was coming out of it had me drooling. The smell of the dripping cheese took me back home. Eating Albanian food somewhere other than home does make me feel different and apart from everyone else but in the end it makes me feel like I am back home with the people I love, eating what I love most..Pie with cheese.

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