Food | Teen Ink


October 2, 2018
By Anonymous

It was the morning of thanksgiving day, the day that I had been waiting the whole year for. The time when all of my father’s side of the family got together for one big feast.  

The feast would be a normal thanksgiving feast with a turkey on the table along with mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing and one special dish just for me.

The one dish that smelled of carrots and roasted walnuts, the dish which had a texture of a pie when you would bite into it. Carrot souffle was the name of that special dish.

It was served every thanksgiving. This was because I was allergic to  sweet potatoes. This year was different though, instead of that special dish being just for me, any relative could try the dish if they wanted to .

To this day this dish has been a tradition in the family. It was made every year but by a different relative which would change one ingredient in the dish. When the relative that had made the dish that year we all rushed over to see what had changed in the recipe.

 When every dish is set on the table my family says grace then we get to eat the delicious food that was prepared for thanksgiving.

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