Growing Up Too Fast | Teen Ink

Growing Up Too Fast

September 28, 2018
By amya_daniels BRONZE, San Jacinto, California
amya_daniels BRONZE, San Jacinto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Every little kid dreams of growing up and becoming a big kid. Some take their time and others are rushed. In my case I was rushed. I was born on March 3, 2003 and was my mother’s first born, I soon became an older sister on February 16, 2004. I grew up with only my mother and occasionally my father. My dad wasn’t really in my life ever since I was a little kid. Over a course many years I became the oldest of five kids. I was 10 years old cooking dinner, cleaning house,giving my baby brother baths, and babysitting my siblings all while my mom was at work. Being the oldest isn’t always fun like people make it seem. For me being the oldest meant I was pretty much a “co-parent” to my younger siblings. I’ve always been told “I’m too mature for my age” or “ to act my age”, in my case while growing up I didn’t know how to act my age because I never had the chance to. These past few years of my life have become extra difficult for me. On August 25, 2014 my father past away due to a car accident. Yeah, he wasn’t really in the picture but it was the most difficult thing for me to go threw. I never got the chance to mourn the death of my dad because I had to prove to my siblings that everything was going to be ok and we could get hrough this. Till this day I randomly break out into tears wishing he was here. As a kid I never thought growing up was going to be one of the hardest things I was going to go through and honestly I believe I’ve done it pretty well.

The author's comments:

Im a 15 year old just trying to be a kid while I can.

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