Please, Be You | Teen Ink

Please, Be You

September 3, 2018
By MeggieJ-14 BRONZE, Trois-Rivières, Quebec
MeggieJ-14 BRONZE, Trois-Rivières, Quebec
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Happiness can be found in the darkest times if only one remembers to turn on the light”

Everyone has his story. It may be a short or a long one, an happy or a sad one, an extraordinary one or an ordinary one but everyone has his story; and I believe it is what makes us who we are. The path we choose, the road we take, represent who we are in the inside, who we don't really show to the others, but who we are as a unique human being, because after all, like Oscar Wilde said: "Be yourself, everyone else is taken". That really proves that we are all unique.

My life began happily. I came into a world full of joy and music, laugh, love. I had a caring mother, an amazing dad and the coolest brother and sister. I was a child full of innocence, that didn't know a thing about all the atrocities that were happening in the world. That was what made me special. I was living in my very own happy world, full of dreams and fairytales. 

Then, I started growing up. It was still an happy world, I had ups and downs like everyone, some little bruises, some ice cream on my shirt, until one day, everything changed. I wasn't as happy anymore. My family and I were moving out; going in a new town. When I arrived at my new house, my new city, it was that sad moment that made me unique: I was the new girl.

After that, I started elementary school. Well I was qualified as a nerd as soon as I started school. I knew how to read before the others, I knew how to write before the others, I liked to learn, you know... Of course, that made me special  for a couple of years, but that also exposed me to the jealousy of my peers, that wanted to be as talented as me at school. Except they weren't ready to work like I did and that was okay because we had different interests, so that made me unique too, I was working for fun and most of them weren't.

Now I'm in high school. Yes, I'm still usually better than the average, but that ain't what makes me special anymore. It's the fact that I'm gifted and use that to be able to take part in different movements at school that makes me unique. I can do things that others can't, I can change things that others can't and I can make a difference where others can't. That is wonderful feeling. That makes me unique. 

Currently, I'm also in a well-known dance studio. That makes me special. I'm an artist capable of things that others can't. I can make people dream, cry and laugh by the simple movement of my body. That is pretty amazing isn't it ? 

Well, you know what ? Forget everything I've said. What makes me unique, is the fact that I know that I am, it's the fact that I choose to be unique, to be who I am. Choose that too, and live happily, because trust me, it's worth the effort. Be unique, by being yourself. Please take a moment to think about all of this. How you change over the years and form your personality. How others change over the years and form their personality. Why do we except other to be a certain way and judge them by their cover when we don’t want that for ourselves ? I please you to be kind. Be kind with everyone and that includes yourself. I please you to respect everyone and yourself too. That does mean to respect who you are. You are you, you are unique and you are beautifully amazing. Be you for you can choose to be so and you can chose to be happy when sadly other cannot. Be you. 

The author's comments:

I believe I’m some kind of sucker for a better world. For a long time, I believed I had to accept things as they come. Now I believe that I can change some things and make the world better one word, one movement, one note at a time. I write, dance and play to inspire other to be themselves and to be kind, to follow their dreams and never give up and I hope this piece can inspire even only one person to follow his or her aspirations...

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