A Strong Fighter | Teen Ink

A Strong Fighter

December 13, 2016
By Anonymous

As a kid you grow up thinking that life will be perfect for you. Then at a certain age reality hits you hard. For me that was at the age of seven to eight. It's scary to not know when something bad is coming into your life. People say that's just life, but even though that is the way life goes, doesn't mean you are always expecting it.

I believe my sister lived four blocks away from us, so she would always come over to eat breakfast with us or we would all watch movies together. It was nice to have her over. Now, my mother always had asthma as a kid. I'm not sure as to how bad the asthma was when she was getting older. I just know that when I was in the picture it wasn't too bad. Only a few attacks here and there but nothing too bad.

We had a normal day from what I can remember. It was until later that night. My mother out of no where, got an asthma attack. We instantly knew it was bad because one, her inhaler wasn't working the first few times she was using it. Two, the wheezing got heavier and heavier. Many thoughts were racing through my mind seeing her conditions. I didn't want to think that i was going to lose her. After we knew nothing was helping my sister took my mom to the ER. I had to wait at home with my second oldest brother and little brother until tomorrow morning. This made me feel even more scared and had thoughts running through my mind even more. My sister picked my brother and I up to visit my mom at the hospital. I was worried to see how she was doing. It was like i wanted to see if she was okay, but didn't want to because of all the possibilities that could've happened to her. As soon as I walked through that door, I was in shock. My mother is a strong and outgoing person, but seeing her there lie helplessly, didn't help me at all. She couldn't move or speak and when she did it was just a small mumble. After a coupe of hours, the doctor came in and told us everything will be fine. She just needed to stay a few nights. I wanted to do something to help my mom out, but obviously I couldn't. She returned back home and did fine after that.

I try to remind people that are always hard on their parents to be patient with them. Here I could've lost my mom to something so small yet dangerous. I prayed and prayed every night for her to get better. This is where I learned that life is very precious.

"Tough times never last, but tough people do" -Robert H. Schuller

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