The Biggest Fall of My Life | Teen Ink

The Biggest Fall of My Life

October 18, 2016
By Nakayla BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
Nakayla BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Back when I was  in the 8th  grade I went to the KVA tournaments for track; I was a little nervous but I knew i would do good because we had already looked at the other track teams realy times.

The day of the KVA tournament I was all stressed out, I ate all the wrong foods that morning my best friend didn’t sit with me on the bus on our way there. I was just having a terrible morning. When the KVA tournament started I had no clue that I was going to be running all my events twice because they have this thing called the pre-limps that you do before the finals. So in all my events I came in 2nd for my individual events and 1st in my realyss for the prelims.

Then the finals finally came around 12am. When the finals came it was only the top 8 fastests in the event that I was in by myself and I came in 2nd in all those. Then it started raining so we had to pause the meet and right when we started up again it was my relay teams first final race it was the 4x2. We came in first and hour later it was our 4x1. I was super nervous because this is the one that everybody is good at and is fast at and tries their hardest at. When the man yelled,

“Are you ready?”
”On ya march.”
”Get set.”

“GO!” My heart was pounding because Savannnah had it and she had the lead and then it got to Bre and then it got to Arabia and now it was on it’s way to me. I was jumping up and down so my legs wouldn’t get tired. Then I finally got it I was GONE. I was running as fast as i could water was flying everywhere because of the rain my hair was all over my head. I had the lead and at the last 50 meters my legs they were burning and sore and tired and they started to slow down. So i turned around to see how much the girl behind me had on me and let me tell you she was right there on my A**. When I finally turned back around I realized i was 2 steps from the finish line and i was going to win...Until I realized that I was gliding across the finish line dropping the track stick and getting stepped on by spikes by the girl that was right behind me I had officially let me team down and embarrassed myself in front of the whole world it felt like.

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