Soccer Is Life | Teen Ink

Soccer Is Life

October 18, 2016
By Anonymous

It all started when I was 5 years old. My mom had made me play soccer for wattles park because she wanted me to play. Well, I didn’t like it I didn’t want to play, didn’t wanna be involved in soccer, I was essentially a “cry baby.” It was time to take a team picture.

I said “I didn’t wanna take a picture.” 
“Stop whining,” my mom said, “it’ll be over soon.”
“BUT MOM I don’t wanna take a stupid picture.” I said.
“Isaac it’ll be okay, relax.” She said back.

Snap. The picture was done.

On that day all I remember was I didn’t wanna play soccer again, but since it was my mom; she made me keep on playing and I got through my first season of soccer.

As the years went by I actually started to play soccer more and more. I kept on playing after my first season of soccer and I actually loved it and I regret blaming my mom for making me play soccer.  As a kid I tried to do different sports. I tried basketball because I thought it would be and I wanted to be on a team. I finished that season of basketball, but to be honest, soccer was my dream and passion. Ever since that first season of soccer even though I didn’t like it at first, I had a feeling it was what I had to do. I wanted to go pro. I started to watch youtube videos of soccer, tricks, bits of games and famous soccer players that I was interested in such as Ronaldo, Neymar, Messi and freestylers called the F2. The F2 had me shocked watching their skill level; it had me impressed. What had me so impressed was how perfect the F2 was with their juggling, footwork, tricks and their shots on net. With those videos I had to learn a lot of skill moves and plays on my own, with nobody to really teach me. My thinking was that if I kept on playing and practicing I will get good at soccer.

I know soccer is my dream. I still haven’t stopped practicing soccer; every chance I get, I practice. My practices consist of hard work and going over the same skill move over and over again until I am satisfied with the skill. Yes, I have off days where I just want to give up and just go inside, but I can’t. There is no go inside and stop. You can’t stop your dream when you come this far to just give up. 16 years old and I’m still playing. Since these past couple years I have gotten many compliments playing soccer from family, friends and coaches.

But I have been struggling with hip issues since I was 14 years old, which has caused me to be in pain everyday. I have had physical therapy one time in my life, which did help me but the pain came back even stronger to try and crush my dreams. I still play through the pain of my hip; it kills me so much on the rough days. The limp I have everytime I walk, I hide the pain in the inside with a straight face but people do look. My leg kicking the ball on the rough days shoots a pain all the way up my leg. Nobody notices because I don’t show it but I still play through because I know it is my passion to play soccer and get better with my injury along the way. Soccer has taught me many things that you might not think of. It has taught me strength, respect, patience and most of all to not give up on what you are doing. If you a dream pursue that dream, don't give up, there is no off days.

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