After a Hurricane Comes a Rainbow | Teen Ink

After a Hurricane Comes a Rainbow

October 13, 2016
By Anonymous

Transitioning from middle school to high school was already a big transition that I was already nervous about. I realized it was time for me to grow up and be a role model for the kids at my school. At the end of my eighth grade summer, I made a very hard decision which was not easy. I decided to come out as gay on a website called and I ended up getting a lot of support. I was so scared and nervous for the first day of school because I thought everyone was going to treat me differently or I was going to lose all of my friends but that was not the case. I was so happy with all of the reassurance and support that I was getting from my peers. I was in utter shock with how many people were comforting and respecting of  me. I knew I was not alone because there were so many songs, movies, and shows about homosexuality advertising that we should accept ourselves. One song that inspired me was Lady Gaga’s “I Was Born This Way” because it explains that your sexuality is not a choice in which many people do not understand. As Drake once said “Yolo,” which means you only live once so live your life to the fullest and how you want to live it, and not how others want you to live it. . I hope to live in a world where no one should have to hide their identity in fear of being judged or bullied because your identity is essential to life.

I am very content with my decision to be openly gay and I hope many others can see me as a role model and feel as if they can express themselves. I could not be any happier than I am now. After coming out, I felt so relieved. I see this as my transition to adulthood because I work with kids wholie a lot and hide things which is similar to what I was doing and as kids grow up they become more honest like me. Some important steps to adulthood are staying true to yourself, worrying about your happiness, and being a role model for the younger generation.

The author's comments:

An student who strives to be successful

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