My Hobbies | Teen Ink

My Hobbies

April 11, 2016
By Anonymous

 I have a few hobbies, but none is more important to me than reading . I started reading when i was year 4 . I was then reading Enid Blyton's series of "The Famous Five " and " The secret seven " . Today reading is my essential part of my life .

Reading is a good form relaxation. I find peace of mind and joy , especially a day of hard work . I will start off with the newspapers , ranging from sport news , local and then international events . I also read periodicals like the "Reader's Digest " and popular events . Apart from relaxation , i have benefited a lot ,. For example , reading has helped me to improve my general knowledge . It also keeps me abreast of the current affairs in my country and other countries .

As a result of reading , i now have a wide knowledge of the world , the different , climates and vegetation  and most interestingly , the varied customs of the people . I can say that reading through reading , i have "travelled " to many countries . Undoubtedly reading avidly and widedly improved my english language by leaps and bounds . I often came out tops in  essay writing competition in my school .

The benefits of reading are countless . Every child should take up reading as a hobby .

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