I Choose to Live | Teen Ink

I Choose to Live

March 6, 2016
By annieh BRONZE, Austin, Texas
annieh BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Right now, as I sit here, I am the oldest I have ever been and the youngest I will ever be again.

Ever since I can remember I’ve wanted to be older. When I was 8, I wanted to be 10; when I was 10, I wanted to be 13. At 13, I couldn’t wait to turn 16 so I could get my license and be away from home.

Here I am today at 16, wishing I was 10 again.

I guess when you’re little, growing up is the ultimate goal-- the accumulation of responsibilities and the completion of your maturity. The need for a new chapter in your life and the new challenges you will face.

But here I am at 16, looking at my 12-year-old sister’s life, wishing that her biggest problems were mine. Her fears are moment to moment, and I understand now because at age 12 I felt the same way. Every illness was terminal, and every conflict was a matter of emotional life or death. As I grow up, i’ve begun to see that life is bigger than a singular moment. I have come to believe that I must become a wiser person to discover what life is all about.

When you’re young, you think that you are invincible. There was no pressure of society constantly trying to shove you into a box of normality and no constant judgement from your peers. As the years go past and more responsibilities come your way, people lose the ability to enjoy the little moments. Everyone is so drawn toward material things that the values in life that really matter, don’t seem so important anymore. The desires to be accepted by my friends in middle school made it very difficult to enjoy my life in some of the most crucial years of growing up.

What I would give to get that time back.

People always seem to be scared of their next stage in life, and that isn’t a bad thing unless they let the fear hold them back. I have always believed that doing one thing that scares you every day will make you fearless. Being fearless is one of my ultimate goals.

Facing these fears can spark an adventure you have always been seeking.

Live a life so interesting that you could write a story about it. Wake up every day and thank God for everything he has given you and for what he has not.

Slow down. Cherish the time you have right now and stop wishing to be older or in a place that you aren’t. The past is done and the future will come.

You can’t spend your life waiting for something amazing to occur. Life is about working for it, getting it together and making an effort to make things happen.

Is it possible that the wisest way to live a complete life is understanding how to master the moment.

Call your grandparents every once in awhile, be nice to everyone, be spontaneous, tell your mom you love her every day, buy the shoes, and don’t forget to laugh, it’s a good life.

Make the moment eternal.

I guess I’ve never learned to live in the present, i’m always thinking about the day ahead of me and how i’m always hoping it's better than the one I am currently living.

I’ve been alive for 16 years now,
and I still struggle with the same thought of that I haven’t truly lived.

I choose to live.

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