Best Friend | Teen Ink

Best Friend

December 1, 2015
By Anonymous

A death that happened throughout my life was the death of my best friend. His name was Anthony Maffio he was always happy, always making people laugh and he had a lot of friends. Anthony and I used to always hang out with our group of Anthony, me, Fred, Nick, Sage, Brandon, Jacob and sometimes Jason. When he moved the whole group started to lose contact with him because he got a new phone number.

Closer to the end of 7th grade I saw him at the store and a huge smile went across my face cause I haven't seen him in a long time. In the middle of 7th grade Anthony and I started texting and talking again, but soon again, it stopped and he moved to a school closer the school I went to. I moved the end of 7th grade and It was sad cause the group I hung out with we barely talk and i never got to say my goodbyes to Anthony. The end of 8th grade, I see his face on the news and heard that he had passed away from an accident. At that moment all I could do was cry and pray that it wasn't true. When all my friends found out we were all very upset and missed how we all used to hang out and have fun together.

 I tried to leave Atlanta and go to Pittsburgh for his funeral, but i sadly couldn't make it, but a couple of my friends told me how sad everyone was and the notes everyone had written to him. Hearing that one of my best friends was gone, I was so heartbroken, but I made a call to his mom and we talked how much we miss him and how she wishes we still played football together and have the whole group back together. Everyday I think about the fun we had together and how much I miss him, so I dedicate everything I do to him all the accomplishments I have achieved there all for him.


This changed my life a lot because I realized how much i actually missed him than what i said. It's like something hit me and i realized all these new feelings i didn’t feel before.

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