Leaving Home | Teen Ink

Leaving Home

November 12, 2015
By 2016617 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2016617 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can still remember the night... the night that showed me who I really want to be in life. I was watching a football game on television, dreading going to school the next day as always, never caring if I was tired in the morning.

But that changed, while lying down relaxed on the couch, I notice a disturbance upstairs, I hear yelling, telling myself it’s nothing. But I can not help focus what my Mom is saying, the ceiling is talking loudly to me, why is Mom so hysterical? I have a weird feeling in my stomach, I feel scared, I feel nervous, I do not want to know what she's mad about. I look to my brothers who show the same fear as me, the yelling is getting louder...closer now, my mom comes down with the emotion of someone who just witnessed a murder. The murder of a marriage, I don’t understand.


She tells us through her crying to come to the garage and say “bye” to Dad. As we make it up the stairs I start to cry and can’t stop. I've lost control of my emotion,  I’m freaking out in my mind. We’re in the garage where my Dad stands emotionless, almost soulless, like the devil has taken it, is someone even in there? His car is full of clothes, my Mom throwing more. My brothers and I stand still crying, I finally catch my breath, only for a moment, but I start to cry more.

My Mom finds the courage to speak,”Look what you’re doing to the kids”.

My Dad doesn’t show any remorse, he doesn’t even care, which still I can’t understand to this day. When he finally left, it was a relief, the situation was over, I just wanted to go to bed and sleep. But I can’t, I’m worried, wishing, wondering when he’ll come back home, are my parents divorcing? I cry out all of the tears I had that night, I still cry about it sometimes, it feels good to cry every once and a while, it can release the stress that comes the with emotion of it all.

My Mom, I feel after many years, still struggles with the divorce, she sometimes tells me that she still loves my Dad. She prays for him every night, with the hope he will realize his mistakes leaving my brothers and I. In this moment, I learned for myself the impact cheating can have on someone else, and I made a promise to never do the same to another person as he did. I know now how bad it hurts inside, and the endless questions it creates in your mind. I could not have gone through this so well without my Mom. I really believe this event has made me a better person in the end, showing me to what effect I want on others around me.

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