Flat on My Back | Teen Ink

Flat on My Back

November 11, 2015
By king2142 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
king2142 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

FI was 7 it was my first day of pads on my first day of chiefs practice I was excited to finally start hitting people. I remember looking out on to the fresh cut field smelling the white paint as the lines were being freshly painted.I always thought when I was little that I was always bigger and stronger than everyone I like to also think that now but it isn't always true. So I went into chiefs practice cocky my first hitting drill was called the “oklahoma drill” in front of me was a kid that was trying to block me and on the other end was a second year player weighing 20 pounds more than my weight and he did not look happy.


My coach goes, “ready ,set”he blows his whistle I launch into the kid I shed his block and head for the ball carrier I am running as fast as I can pumping my arms as fast as I can I hit the kid head on I start to leave my feet I come to realize that I am going in the opposite direction I was running as I fall onto my back and the kid keeps running and scored I realize I came into this too cocky and definitely not enough experience . I realized that if I wanted to be a better football player I would need to make a difference in the way I was playing football I needed to use better technique,hit lower, and not lead with my head.

As I got better at these skills so did my game time playing Iwasn't missing tackles and I was doing it with the right form so I wasn't getting hurt.To this day I still use the things I learned from cheifs and they have kept me safe all these years of playing and ever since that one play getting ran over that will effect me the rest of my life and the stuff that I taught myself that I learned through that experience .     

The author's comments:

Football afffeted my life and still does today and i am glad it did

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