Blue Vs Gold | Teen Ink

Blue Vs Gold

November 11, 2015
By NickThornberry BRONZE, White Lake, Michigan
NickThornberry BRONZE, White Lake, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's the last year of Chiefs Football. Round 2 of JV year, Round 4 in total. Coming into the last round of playoffs, undefeated and confident. And of course, the only team keeping us from the super bowl was not only our best friends, but also our worst enemies, Jv Gold. It was definitely a match up, Jv gold was fast, strong, and undefeated just like us. You would've thought the actual super bowl was going on. There was tailgating, team spirit, and a crowd bigger than ever. The smell of hot dogs, facepaint, and sweat blew through the wind as each team walks out to Brandon's field. The lights began to dim as the sun glares bright pink as it sinks below the hill surrounding our field. Exactly a year ago, we were standing on this field with tears in our eyes, defeat on our back, and revenge on our mind as we had just lost to the same team we were just about to face. We were unprepared and they had demolished us, we fought, but couldn't recover. I realized that nothing in this world will be given to me, that if I want the outcome of success, that I have to put in hard work and dedication to that goal. So that's what I did. I came back this year angry and motivated to take it all the way. I was the first person on the field and the last person off the field. I worked with my coaches on a regular basis to become the best I can, and sometimes I bit off more than I could chew and got my butt handed to me but I got right back up and did it again and again until I conquered it and made my way to a starter. All the way up to today, as we looked across the field to our opponents in gold, we knew that we were going to stand together as a team and fight until that last whistle was blown.


`“This is it boys, this is what we've worked so hard for,” said Coach Buchman, “we leave it all on the field tonight and give them what they have coming”!

I glared over to the crowd, then back to my coach, then one more time to the gold team in the other end zone getting the same pep talk as us.

“Bring it up boys,” as we all stood up to our feet and put our hand together, “ Who are we? Blue! What do we do? Fight! What do we bring? Pain! One, two, three, Go Chiefs, Go Blue!”  we all screamed so that the people still in the parking lot grilling burgers could hear us.

This was it, our last chance, my last chance to make my mark. We lined up for the kick off and as I waited looking down my line of teammates, it felt as if I was waiting there for hours, like I had been in slow mo all day and we were about to press play. We both crammed the ball down each others throats and fought till the play was over. Run after run, hit after hit, both teams gained yards and by the end of the first half the score was 14-14. We walked off the field still eager to fight. We still had unfinished business to take care of. We rested, we recovered, and we came back with fire in our bellies. The second half was no different, every yard we gained, every touchdown we scored, they came right back to match it. It finally came down to the final quarter and it was our ball. Our offense had fumbled the ball and it was now 4th and long. We brought out our star kicker, Mark Vanbuskirk, and knew that it was an easy kick for him. Ball was snapped, crowd roared, the line fought their ground, and after what seemed like forever, the ball was kicked away. Suddenly the crowd went quiet, teammates grabbed at each others jerseys, coaches biting their nails waiting for the call. It's good and just like that the crowd roared like thunder once again. A minute and thirty seconds remained in the game. After kickoff, we fought with our last bit of fire we had. Run after run until one play changed the game completely. Gold had a breakaway but was tackled at the one yard line. Eight seconds remain in the game, 4th down,one yard to go. All they need is one touchdown and we have a repeat of last year. Ball is snapped, clock begins to run and everything went dead silent. A sweep to the outside. We run to the ball with one last push. The quarterback tosses the ball. This could be it. So close yet so far away. But then it happened. The ball was stumbled and fumbled and we didn't hesitate to take our chance. We recovered the ball and the buzzer rings. The crowd strikes like thunder and we all rush to celebrate with our team. It happened, Blue was moving on to the one dream we all had. The Super Bowl.


The author's comments:

This moment made me continue with playing football to this day.

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