I Cherish Coco | Teen Ink

I Cherish Coco

May 30, 2015
By Khushii PLATINUM, Parsippany, New Jersey
Khushii PLATINUM, Parsippany, New Jersey
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Just a girl trying to get her ideas out there.

    Last year I was left alone with my brother. I was afraid, since I had never been home without an adult, especially at night. To feel better, I cuddled my most valuable possession, Coco, close to me. Instantly, I felt safe and not afraid. Everyone has something they cherish. For some it might be worth a lot of money or just something they hold dear. What I cherish may not get me much money at an auction, but it is what I cherish most; and if my house were ever to catch on fire, I would grab my teddybear,Coco first. Coco is valuable to me because she gives me comfort and I cherish her because my father gave her to me.

     Coco is my teddybear. She is a tiny teddybear, no bigger than my hand. She is also light brown and has a gold ribbon tied in a bow around her neck. I got her on a late night right before going to sleep and I fell in love with her on first sight. She may not be the largest, most colorful, or ornate teddybear, but I still cherish her.

     Ever since I recieved her, I have valued Coco because of the comfort she gives me. When I returned home from getting a haircut and braces, I was afraid everyone would dislike me because of the new look. However, when I cuddled Coco close to my heart, I felt better. When I was younger, I would sleep with her. When I got too old, I would only sleep with her when I was really stressed and so sad I could cry forever. Her warmth and comfort would help me sleep soundly throughout the night. I love Coco for the comfort she brings me.

     In addition to Coco’s comfort, I cherish her because she was a present from my father. For such a small object, she holds a lot of meaning for me. My father first presented Coco to me on a late night and said he had won it for solving a very difficult riddle. I remember taking Coco into my arms and hugging my dad. She is worth a lot because I don’t get to spend much time with my father. When he isn’t home, I look at Coco and all my good memories with him flow through my head. I cherish Coco more and more everyday because she reminds me of my father.

     In short, Coco is what I cherish most in my life because of the comfort she gives me and because of the memories I recall of my father with her. She may not seem valuable to everyone else, but she is my favorite possession. I love her for giving me comfort and being a present from my father. I cannot imagine a life without Coco.

The author's comments:

Cute assignment about my teddybear.

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