The bicycle and the sweet-shop | Teen Ink

The bicycle and the sweet-shop

February 19, 2015
By angel juarez BRONZE, Marsville, Washington
angel juarez BRONZE, Marsville, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 In the middle of the road I stood as I looked up at the blue sky, I then turned and hugged my Dad, Sisters and Mom for the last time until I got to see them again. I then had to leave I said,” I will see you guys again soon” I didn’t want to go, but I had to. I got in the car waved bye one last time and drove away. As we drove past the places we went too, I got really upset and it was the hardest experience I had. I was just hoping I could see them again soon.
One day my sister said to me, “We are moving to Mexico in July” I then was in shock because they have been there so long and now they are moving away. I wanted to spend as much time with them as I could. July came and the days were going by fast, I was happy I got to be with them that whole month. We couldn’t go out a lot, because we had to pack but we still went to places. It was really different seeing the house empty, there were so many fun memories we had. As each day went by the sadder I got.
One night me and my sisters were sitting at the table and we were on our electronics and my sister said, “Maybe you could come to the airport with us” I said, “Yes!” we talked to my dad about it and he also agreed, but I did know ahead of time that it would be worse to say bye and see them leave at the airport. On July 30th was the day before they had to leave, and it was also the last day I got to see them. In the afternoon we went to my aunt’s house to see my cousins and uncles and aunts. Me my sisters and cousins were all together and we were playing outside and playing games, it was really fun.
Later that day I heard my name and heard my aunt said, “Your mom is here” I then knew it was time for me to go. It was the hardest goodbye I was just hoping we could see each other again soon.
The lesson I learned was sometimes things will happen, that you don’t want to actually happen. I learned its ok to be sad, mad or happy. It was really hard for me, but I got through it. I know other people have also had this experience it is hard but it takes some time to get through it. I also learned that just think of positive things not bad and you will feel better about it.

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