Goodbye's Are Not Forever | Teen Ink

Goodbye's Are Not Forever

January 30, 2015
By Anonymous

I’ve been feeling sick for 2 days. It is like there are nails in my throat. My fever just did not go away, I realize that the pills were not working. My mother called every hour; I was not feeling like talking to any one.

I stretch my arm was far as I can and grab the phone from the night stand next to the bed.
It was dead silent, about to end the call I heard a voice.
“Marifer! How are you feeling?”
“Good thank you mom.”
I lied I was feeling horrible
She responded,

“That’s good honey but I have bad news is about your great grandma. Your grandparents are really worried about her”
At first I got a little worried but I was too tired to even care.
The next day I woke up feeling worse then the day before, but I thought that it was just because it was early in the day. I yelled,
Like always she did not answer. I was not in the mood to move so I grab my iPhone and called my house. I waited until she finally answered the phone. I was kind of hungry so I asked her,
“Estelita can you please make me something to eat.”
“Sure Marifer I will take it upstairs in 15 minutes.”

She took the food upstairs and when I finish eating it I went to sleep because the doctor told me that sleeping kills the virus. Around 2:30 PM my mother arrived from work. She had some good news to bring my mood up.

“Marifer, today you are going to see a special doctor so it can crack the virus inside of you,”

By the sound of it I got a little scared. I repeated the words in my head… “Crack the virus inside of you, crack the virus inside of you.” That was all I could think of for over 2 hours. I slowly feel asleep by think about what they were going to do to me.

“Marifer, Marifer, Marifer.”

A calm sweet voice called my name. It was my mother it was time to go and see the doctor that was going to somehow explode the virus inside of me.

I went down stairs, and then jumped into the car to go see the “special” doctor. I had my headphones on lessening to “Back bag” from Justin Bieber. I looked over to my mom and saw that she was grabbing her phone. I remove one headphone from hear to listen to how she was talking to.  While she click accept, she responded to the call,

“Hello Estelita what did I forgot this time”
My mother always forgets something when we are in a hurry, but it looked like we had everything. I looked at my mother and her face change from happy to worried and then to miserable. I could see it in her eyes that something had happened the other line of the phone was silent. In that very moment millions of different theories were coming into my mind. At first I thought that something might of happened t my dog, but I rethink the situation. I thought to myself,

“The other line of the phone was silent dead silent then something might of happen to my father and that is why you couldn’t even hear her breath.”
My mother right after calling finished in a calm voice,
“Thank you for your call and telling me I really appreciated.”

I looked straight into my mothers’ eyes and waited until she finally told me what my maid told her. Her eyes were watery getting redder every second. She opened her mouth, words di not came out it was like she was in shock. I started to get nervous after sometime the words came out. Her voice tremble as the words came out, and said,
“Marifer, I am sorry to tell you but your great grandmother has just passed away”.

I couldn't believe it I, swore to myself that it was a lie. It felt like the world was spinning in circles I started to get really dizzy and started to cry. My car was a river of tears. My mother called her best to tell her what had just happened. The second that my mother mentions my great grandmother I burst of tears I was like the ocean, water kept falling from my cheeks. I couldn’t believe my own hears, I acted that it was all just a nightmare.
All night all I could think of was about her. I thought to myself,

“Only if I had one more day, I should off call her every day.”

I just regretted every moment that I did not spend time with her; I needed more time with her that was not enough. That night I only got about 2 hours of sleep. Around 4:00 PM my grandpa picked me up to go get coffee. The car ride was as silent as the night. Not a single word came out of are mouth. In a red light I had to break the silent between us it was getting really awkward. I asked him,
“How are you grandpa, how have you been?”

“Good, well not that good you know I really miss her I don’t what I am going to do in the morning or all day”.
I had no response to that. I just felt really bad about what happened to my grandpa, I felt useless. I couldn’t look into his eyes I was scared because I couldn’t help him because I was not feeling what he was feeling, I lost a great grandma he lost his mother. I finally looked into his eyes they were watery and red, to calm him down in a calm voice I said,

“Grandpa, once my mother told me that losing someone is not a goodbye is just an I’ll miss you until you meet again”.

He started crying millions and trillions of tears came rolling down his check. That was when I realize that an experience like this can result as a good thing. Losing my great grandmother was sad and everything but the outcome was good. My grandpa and I get closer everyday, I started to know things I did not have a clue of my grandpa I really got the chance to meet him.

When you lose someone especially if it is a family member, it can make your family closer or it can make them fall apart. In this situation it brought my grandparents closer. What I learned is that life is too short and it is important to take any chance you have to see your great grandparents and your grandparents even if it is for a little while. Now every Sunday I put my life aside and go most of the day to take care of my grandparents and distract them and make them laugh. You’ll find out that losing someone can bring you much more closely to other people and get to know them better. Remember that family always comes first.

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