The Great Shot | Teen Ink

The Great Shot

January 30, 2015
By cayovh BRONZE, Santa Catarina, Other
cayovh BRONZE, Santa Catarina, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never give up

Time flew and before I knew it, it was time for me to go hunting  I quickly grabbed my bag and I ran outside. I got on my dad’s jeep and we drove out of school and into the highway. My dad and I always enjoy hunting together, that is the way we bond and spend time together. I was also excited for another reason because I got permission from my parents to take my dog, Apolo hunting with us. I love Apolo he is a smart and clever jack russell terrier. Me and my dad talked about our past experiences then we talked that I had not killed a deer nor doe with my bow. He gave me tips for bow hunting then he told me about when he was my age and he did not know how to hunt with a bow. I decided to take a nap because it was a 2 and a half hour drive to the ranch. The jeep started to mumble and the wind began to whisper and suddenly after 20 minutes I woke up. I had eaten a sandwich for lunch and my dad had not eaten yet because he was driving. He told me to drive the dirt road, I got really excited. So I got on the wheel and drove all the dirt road so my dad could eat. We also stopped so Apolo could pee. The whole way to the ranch my dad was “Watch the bumps” “Careful you're going to scratch the car paint if you keep hitting the thrones”. I was so stressed but happy because I got to drive the car. After a while we arrived to the ranch.

When we got to the ranch  house I quickly changed from my school clothes and  to my camouflage clothes and my hunting boots on. I was ready to go hunting. We arrived about the ranch and we decided that it was too late to hunt since the sun normally was setting at about 6:30 p.m. So my dad told me if I wanted to go for a little ride around the ranch with Ricardo and Andres both hunting friends of mine and Andres dad was going to drive us. I told him, “Can we take  take Apolo  with us so he can get some sort of a hunting experience ?” “Sure” my dad responded.  I hopped on the truck. Apolo also got in and we were ready to go. We had no luck we only saw one group of wild boars and it was Ricardo’s turn to shoot but his shot was not that good and the boar ran even though he was hit. Apolo had no opportunity to follow a bunny nor see a boar.

We went to  sleep until midnight and we were too tired to wake up at 6 in the morning to go hunting. So we decided to have breakfast. After breakfast my dad and I took a ride across the ranch to see if we had luck spotting any big male deer. By 2 o´clock we were back at the house. The sun was shining as bright as a diamond and my dad does not want to take me hunting. “Son its too hot outside there won't be any animals at sight.” About an hour passed then I finally convinced my dad for  Pancho and None to take me to a bow blind. So I get my bow and some arrows and my dad gives me a rifle. He said just incase you need it. So I load the rifle and I put a bullet in the chamber then I get the safety on. On the way to the blind I see something on the road. “It ain't a deer” said Pancho “Its a puma !” exclaimed None. I got my binoculars and looked through them, Its a bobcat I say. I get out of the jeep and then I climbed on top of it. the bobcat is still there I take the safety off, then I got the cross right in the shoulder. I slowly squeeze the trigger and BOOM the bullet flew the cat fell down instantly. The bullet went through the cat like a hot knife through butter. We got some nice pictures, then we drove toward the blind. Previously on this hunting season,  I had made a bad shot at a deer with my bow, I had missed a boar and injured another deer. It was time for me to show that I was capable of hunting a deer or doe with my bow.

We arrived to the blind I was really concentrated I wanted to prove to everyone  and myself that I could do it. My friend Richard had shot a doe and a boar. Now it was my turn. “Thankyou for bringing me to the blind” I tell Pancho and None. “Your welcome” Pancho responded. “If you need us by any reason in the world you call us or your dad” None insisted. “Ok” I responded. I setted up everything on the blind I got ready. Pancho and None left. This was the first time in my life that I was alone in a blind. I was nervous but excited. I stayed still, I waited and I did not move. One hour passed and I had seen no movement of animals so I started to wonder why there were no deer nor does. I waited patiently then I saw two ears and I knew it was a doe. The doe came up to eat the corn. I waited a few minutes to see if any bucks would show up but nothing did. I decided to shoot the doe because it was old, the ranch owner said that we needed to hunt some does. So I get my range finder  and I see that the doe is about 18 meters away from me. I quickly drew my bow and I pointed at the lungs. Next thing you know the arrow was in the does shouler. The doe flew to the bushes, then suddenly I heard “huooooooh” I knew it was the doe because I had shot it in the lungs and that is the grunt does and deer make when they choke with their own blood. I waited a few minutes then I got my phone and called my father, “ Dad, Dad I just shot a doe!” “Great news! We will be right there, I am so proud of you.”   So I decide to get my rifle and start looking for the doe I walk and suddenly I find the arrow but it was broken the arrow head was missing.  I follow the blood and about 15 meters away I saw the doe. I could hear the whispering of the car all the way where I was and in 5 minutes my dad, his friends and Andres were there. “Great job and great shot” my dad assured. I felt really happy when everyone congratulated me. We headed back to the house and we had a quick diner because the next day we had to wake up early to go back home.

This story is worth telling because I really love spending time together with my dad. He has taken me hunting since I was three or four years old. Just like my grandfather took my dad hunting. Unfortunately I did not have a chance to meet my grandfather because he died in a plane accident even before my biggest sister was born. When my dad and I go hunting and do something we both love we spend some quality time together. He tells me tips to become a better hunter, and he tells me stories about when he was about my age and when went hunting with his dad. I found happiness in an unexpected place because many people will not kill an animal even if you pay them, others don't even like to see an animal being killed. But what they don't realize is that the majority of those people eat meat or fish every day. But for me hunting is not only hunting for the trophy but spending time with my father. After this experience I have learned that anything is possible. I had missed deer and injured them, even my mom said I should give up bow hunting because I was not that good. But then I started practicing and I got stronger and I was able to hunt a doe with my bow because I did not listened to my mom I believed in myself. I learned that anything is possible when you give your best.

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