Takes of Seventh Grade | Teen Ink

Takes of Seventh Grade

January 27, 2015
By Sara Kolipinski BRONZE, Williamsville, New York
Sara Kolipinski BRONZE, Williamsville, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

?Seventh grade was a rough patch in my life.  Along with every other human creature on the planet, it is the time in one’s life where we very awkwardly discover ourselves and try as hard as we can to “fit in”.  Being a person of this nature, I decided that it would be a good idea to sit with the “cool” kids in my seventh grade English class.  However, it never occurred to me that the “popular” kids were not always the smartest kids.
?  My teacher was hard of hearing, which is understandable.  Being in a classroom full of whining kids for 30-something years will do that to a person.  The lesson plan for the day was to work in small groups on a poster relating to a book we recently finished.
?In order to fulfill such a daunting task, I really should’ve stuck with the “smart” kids this time.  We were never going to finish.  At one point during the mission of attempting to complete the assignment and also trying to relate at a not so intellectual level with my group members, the teacher requested that we STOP TALKING. 
?Between the roar of the classroom and the question I was receiving from the very “popular” kid sitting next to me, I did not comprehend the teacher’s orders, and answered the question.  As it turns out, I was the only one talking, and everyone looked at me.  My teacher slowly stood up and began to slowly hobble her way over to my seat.  I could feel the heat radiating off of my face. 
?I never get in trouble.  I thought to myself.  Please don’t yell at me. I want to keep my streak of perfect teacher’s opinions of me.  I know for most people this is a common occurrence, but ever sense I was a fetus, I was taught to NEVER talk out of turn or you WILL get in SERIOUS trouble.  What kind of punishment was I going to receive?
?Detention? Suspension? 
?My palms clam up as I wipe them shakily on my too-big jeans. 
?She’s getting very close to my seat now, but oddly enough, she is not looking at me.  Her pupils are aimed directly at something behind, and slightly above my partners head. Is she not going to yell at me? Am I blowing this whole thing out of proportion?
?Turns out I was.  My teacher was just going to turn the lights off.   
?This was the first time I was actually terrified of a teacher.  Even though nothing happened, I learned a very valuable lesson.  There is a reason that the “smart” kids don’t sit with the “popular” kids.

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