Oldie | Teen Ink


November 8, 2014
By Anonymous

Today was one of the toughest days of my life. I lost my bestfriend. 

He was a special one. His birth name was Edgar Junior. From when he was a puppy until a few years ago, we called him EJ. From then on, he was Oldie. You can guess why.

Oldie never barked at a single creature - unless he wanted food, of course. He never bit anyone. No matter what you did to provoke him, he did not and would not bite you. He'd just stand up and walk away like a true gentleman.

Oldie was my first dog, and one of my first bestfriends. I met him when I was approximately 5 years old and he was 7. He came to visit my old house with my stepdad. He had the most energy I'd ever seen in a single animal.

Man, I was scared of him. Back then, he was almost up to my waist. He'd keep jumping on my bed and licking me. Of course I didn't like it at first, but I learned to accept and even embrace it. 

My dog used to be a beautiful golden-orange and dark brown. time, he became all sorts of colors. Grey, brown, orange, and dirty white. But, he never lost that small white patch right below his collar. Even by the time he was 95% grey, that bright white fur was still holding on. 

My dog helped me through the toughest times. Even if I just petted him for a few minutes after a rough day, I felt so much better. I was bullied a few times when I was a kid. You know who was right there licking away the tears? Oldie. 

My dog lived 16 years. I only knew him for 8, but it was the most unforgettable 8 years of my life. I could go on for pages with anecdotes about him. But I hope that with this, you find him as charming as I did.

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