first buck | Teen Ink

first buck

October 28, 2014
By chase hinkle BRONZE, Concord, Michigan
chase hinkle BRONZE, Concord, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Finally is what I was thinking as my dad was wakening me up. It was a foggy morning, it was the youth hunt where only kids 16 and under can go out for just the weekend.
My dad had breakfast all ready it was cinnamon rolls, biscuits and gravy and some delicious bacon with some chocolate milk and coffee. I had everything all laid out. It was goanna be a cold morning so I had a lot of under clothes. I had all my camo laid out along with my gun a 20 gauge it had no scope just a bead sight. It could shoot up to 20 yards accurletly. 
After I ate I got all ready which took about ten minutes. When I came up from upstairs to put my boots on my dad was all ready waiting for me in the truck he had both of the coochen seats so when we sat on the ground we didn’t set in the wet grass. We were all packed up ready to go. We were on our way. It was about a 10 minute drive I was so excited because all summer I’ve been waiting for this all summer long. I put out trail cams and baited all year I had two bucks on my trail cam one was a 6 point and the other was a spike which means two points. If I seen the 6 point I was going to shoot it because it was pretty big. We pulled up in the field and it was still dark with a hint of fog over the grass.
Finally I was sitting down on the ground hunting what I was waiting all summer for! My dad and I got all comfortable and situated. I had the gun setting on my knee for a steady aim we were sitting in the hay field right next to the woods. The fog was finally going away as I heard something in the woods I was thinking in my head is that two deer fighting and before I could ask my dad he says “do you hear that?” I said yeah what is it? “ He said its two bucks fighting” after he said that my heart started pounding fast from there on until they stepped out of the woods and sure enough it was the bucks I have on trail cam. Soon as I seen the six point I asked my dad if I could shoot him he said” wait till they come in a little closer so when they came in to about 20 yards I took steady aim and shot.  I was jumping up and down I was so excited! The deer didn’t go 20 yards and I seen him lying there. It was picture time my dad said. He did what his dad did to him when he shot his first buck which was put the blood under your eyes like the Indians. I couldn’t wait to show him off to everyone I will always remember this day.

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