I'm too clutch | Teen Ink

I'm too clutch

October 28, 2014
By theyoungtrop BRONZE, Concord, Michigan
theyoungtrop BRONZE, Concord, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This summer was a huge game changer, a lot is different now, and I’m glad it all happened. I’m too clutch.  I grew up in this village called Concord, a very peaceful, small community. My Dad was laid off from the job he had been working at for 16 years, and we were forced to leave the house I grew up in to live in a shambled Jackson for a year. After my Mom, Dad, and I decided that it didn’t work out to well here, we moved to Hillsdale to seek a better education, closer to family, and a much better community. We did exactly that, and we lived in Hillsdale for five years, where our family opened two restaurants, I got a taste of high school, and we made lots of good/regretful memories.

It was towards the end of my sophomore year, I was at home and it was a cold spring Saturday night, my Mom was making Hamburger Helper: Stroganoff, and it was heating the whole house up, my Dad and I love it when she made it. I had just finished doing homework, and I was probably watching some YouTube videos or playing games on the computer, but I was on the internet nonetheless. It was near Spring Break for me, and my parents were discussing the trip to Texas we had been planning on taking, and the budget it would require, then they started talking about the final rent bills we would have to pay before we went to visit my brother in Texas. Then it hit me, if we lived in Concord we wouldn’t have to pay those bills to see my brother, we would have more money to spend and make more memories, so, with the power of the internet, I went on several property search websites to absolutely go out on a limb and see if I could find my REAL home. A few minutes later, there it was… my home; it was up for sale for less than HALF the original price that we bought it for. I couldn’t believe it.
It was surreal, my Mom was shocked and my Dad was blown away, what happened next was unbelievable. My parents cancelled our long planned trip, and we decided as a family that coming BACK home was the right decision. We broke the news to my brother, and he was happy for us, since he planned on coming to visit in October, and we broke the news to the rest of my nearby family, but they were all in for it because they missed our old home too. It was just in time, and it was such a great decision for the long run. I’m too clutch.

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