The Great Nerf War | Teen Ink

The Great Nerf War

June 13, 2014
By Anonymous

It was April, April 14 to be precise, I was at home playing video games with a friend.
We were playing a game that involved tactical shooting and a first person shooter
game. " Take them out " I said furiously. " Got them good " Joey replied back. We were
losing but we kept playing till the end. " Wow, they are cheating, we were doing fine until
they started it "I said. " Wait " Joey said. Tyler was knocking on Joey's door, he was
asking him if he wants to play Nerf wars with him and the others. " Hey Bon, do you
wanna play Nerf wars with me and the others? It's at Randy's house " Joey said. I was
thinking if I should outside and play, yet I always think outside is boring. But, I didn't
want to feel left out. " Sure, I'll meet you there bye " I said. I quickly turned off my Ps3,
Snatched a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a jacket. I went downstairs to tell my mom I'm
going over to my friend's house. " Hey mom, I'm going over my friends house okay?"
Okay, don't come home late " she said. I wore my shoes, I opened the door, and off I go
to my Randy's house. The journey cross was quite long. Outside was about 50 degrees, some streets I passed had a few cars on both sides. I see people getting rid of their trash because the next day is garbage day. Minutes later, I was at Randy's house.

It seemed as if the war had almost started. Luckily I still had enough time to prepare. Randy's house was a great area for war! I saw eight people at Randy's house including my friend joey. They were around eight to thirteen years of age, some had pistols and some had medium sized Nerf guns. The game we are playing is capture the flag with Nerf guns only. The rules of the game was pretty simple, bring the enemies flag over our base without getting hit. If someone were to get hit, lets say a teammate, we can revive him or her just tagging her with both of your hands. My friend Joey gave me his second gun," Here you go " Joey said while handing over the gun. " The war is starting in 10 seconds " Randy said. I quickly reload the gun. " Game starts in 5..4..3..2..1 Go!" Randy said excitingly.

Then my inner excitement in my heart was about to burst out. I reloaded my magazine, I started to run with Joey. The sun was shining at me during the intense war. " Joey, we'll stick together as a small squad, tell me if you get hit. I will revive you okay?" I said. " Yeah, you get my back and I got your back " he said. Me and Joey ran towards some cover incase of our enemies were coming. The other people in our group went the right side of the house when we were going to the left. We saw two kids just walking around searching for us, holding their guns like they had some pride. I was thinking what should we do. " Joey, I take the guy on the left, and you take the guy on the right. when I say fire, we fire " I whispered. He nodded. " Fire!" I yelled. We both fire our guns, shooting at the two guys who was very close to us. The funny part was they were actually freaked out when I yelled. We both got them real good, they were out of the game since no one could revive them. It was over for them with no hope.

We continued towards the enemies base, I leaned to check out what the enemies were doing. One guy was in the stairs guarding the flag, and the last two were going towards the path our allies took. "Crap" I said. "Whats wrong" Joey said while he was looking around incase we get spotted. " Joey, stay here, I got to warn the others " I said. He nodded and I ran to the path our allies took, I saw the enemies got our men. I was too late, the enemies were teasing our guys about they were going to win. I ran back where Joey was at. " Lets go Joey, we gotta clutch this, we have to rush the flag" I said. " Okay lets do this!" He said with courage. We both rushed our way to the enemies base, see the guy who was guarding the flag. He yelled" I spotted them, they are at our base!"

Then two guys appeared, one with a pistol, and one with a double barreled shotgun. Joey got one guy in the elbow, and took cover. I got the second to last guy in the legs. The guard came down the stairs with his tommy gun. He was spraying darts at us, but eventually he was out of darts and it was my opportunity to capitalize. I came up to the guy who was out of darts and started to taunt him. I hold my gun at him, pointing straightly at his face saying " If I shoot you, its game over." The guy didn't care so I pulled the trigger and he was out of the game.

The last standing two was me and Joey, luckily it wasn't a free for all. " Are you going to take the flag or what?" He said. I realize in order to win, we must bring the flag over to our base. I climb my way up their base, seeing a bright orange flag. I got my hands on the flag, climb back down and bringing the flag to our base. " We've won " I said cheerfully. It was over, our team won." GG " I said. Everyone was packing up to go back home, picking their darts off the fresh grass. "Great game, we're doing this again tomorrow. Come again" He said happily. "I might come" I said. I began picking up the darts I used, after I was finished I gave the gun back to Joey saying "Thanks for letting me use it." He gave me a smile, I walk back home thinking how awesome joey and I was clutching the game. A few minutes later I got back home, it was almost 7:00. I was sweating like crazy because the war takes a lot of running. " You gotta take a shower, you're sweating like a pig " My mom said. " Okay " I said. I took my shoes off, went upstairs and took a shower. Washing all the sweat I have as soon as possible. I'm done
washing my hair, back, legs, you know what, and arms. I was finished, I went to my room, grabbing a pair of a t-shirt and shorts. I used my Ipad to watch some youtube videos that I had missed, or playing some games to entertainment myself. When I was started to feel tired and sleepy, I turn off my Ipad, and shut my eyes closed. I was dreaming how Joey and I was so badass in our team. You know leaning over corners, or taking cover from enemy fire. I was staring at the beautiful stars glaring at me while I was going to sleep.

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