Homecoming | Teen Ink


June 13, 2014
By Lauren Nadeau BRONZE, Portland, Maine
Lauren Nadeau BRONZE, Portland, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was October 5, 2013. It was a normal day. I woke up at 6:00 A.M. and the sun was shining through my windows. I got out of bed, put on my brown glasses, went downstairs and ate my breakfast. I came upstairs and started to get ready for the school day. I brushed though my plain light brown hair and I decided to put in in a ponytail that day. While I was starting to put on my mascara. I then realized that tonight was a special night. Tonight was Homecoming. I was suddenly very excited for the day. I finished applying my mascara, put on my oversized shirt and my leggings with my Vans. I brushed my teeth, went downstairs and got my bag then left the house to my bus. I got on the bus, and we went on the same route we always did. We got to school, and that's when the school day started.

I got to my first period class, English. I sat next to Hannah and we started talking about that night. We decided that she was going to come to my house after school and get ready together. I went to my next period and then lunch. I really didn't want to go to my class after lunch because I had French. French was the class that my crush was in. I knew I shouldn't like him because he was bad news. I just couldn't help it. He was a junior. Not particularly tall, but still taller than me. He's Vietnamese, and has beautiful brown eyes. He was the funniest kid in the class and I really liked him. So of course I wouldn't want to see him. I was embarrassed to like him, and only Hannah knew I liked him. I went to my last period class, and then met Hannah to go on my bus. The whole way home we were talking about how excited we were. We got to my house and we chilled out for a couple hours, knowing we had plenty of time because the dance doesn't start until 7:30pm. We started to get ready. Getting ready consisted of lots of laughing and dancing around my room. It was one of my favorite times with her. It came to the time when we were ready. We both went downstairs, and my mom being my mom was taking pictures. Once my mom got her pictures, we left for Homecoming.

We arrived at the dance and we got out of my moms silver van. We said our goodbyes and walked to the patio outside of the gym. I saw a couple of our friends and before you know it, we were in. When I first walked in the first thing I saw was a table where you had to say your name so you could go in. Once I got past the table, I saw a place in the corner where you could get drinks and food. I then walked into the gym, where the dancing was happening. It was dark, but there were enough lights to be able to see people's faces. I saw a DJ in the front of the gym. And a big crowd in the middle of people dancing. I saw a couple of my friends and I went to go and dance with them. I then turned around, and I saw him. He looked really good. He was in his tux and some fancy shoes. He then made eye contact with me and he came up to me and hugged me. As he hugged me I thought I was in cloud nine. He told me I looked good, I blushed and said thank you. And in that moment, I was happy that the lights were dimmed or else he would have seen me blush. He then walked back to his friends.

The rest of the night was pretty fun. Me and my friends just danced around. For most of the dance we walked around the big crowd about 40 times and walking around a big group of horny teenagers is something you cannot un see. I mean people grinding, making out, dancing, people in love, boring s*** like that. It came down to the last 20 minutes of the dance. I was about to leave the dance area to find Hannah. I saw her in the doorway and started to walk to her, but then I saw him. He was walking in and we made eye contact. He came up to me and he said "I love you so much that I could kiss you right now." I couldn't say anything so he leaned in and one hand grabbed my face and the other on my waist. In that small time before he kissed me, I realized this was going to be my first kiss. I was freaking out on the inside and I had so many butterflies, I was just so nervous. Was I gonna be good, was he gonna be good, is his lips gonna be soft or all chapped. Then it happened. He kissed me, it wasn't long but it wasn't short. It was a good 5 seconds. He then left and I just stood there completely confused and I was freaking out. I then turned and saw Hannah, standing there with he mouth open in awe. And she said to me "What just happened" and I said "I think he just kissed me." I went out of the dance floor and got a drink of water. I then just went into the bathroom and had a mini freakout and did a little dance because I was so happy. And Hannah was laughing at me and I said "What the f*** are you laughing at haha" and she said "Just that you are freaking out over your first kiss is just a funny thing to watch and it's, it's touching my little heart," and I said "Just shut the f*** up b****." Then I got a text from my mom saying that she was here. And then I said goodbye to Hannah and went to the car. I got in and my mom then said "Hey did you have fun? Anything interesting happen?" I sat there contemplating on telling her on what just happened like 10 minutes ago and said, "Not really, same old same old dance."

The author's comments:
This is a peice of my Homecoming Experience

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