Musical difference | Teen Ink

Musical difference

December 9, 2013
By Gekaj BRONZE, Cadillac, Michigan
Gekaj BRONZE, Cadillac, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Liebe ist fur alle da

As Skull candies blasted bass in my ear I fell in love listening to the amazing melodies.This all started about 12 years ago by my father. We were talking about music and he put in the CD player in the living room which had a lot of echo. The CD player started up and the music filled me with joy it was loud and hurt my ears but at the same time sounded amazing. I lived in a big house but the music was loud enough to fill every room. It sounded like random sound effects in a great pattern but I loved it in a way because it was something new,different. I began to ask my father about other bands like that, he named quite a few of them. I already liked metal so it was easy liking this music. My choice in music increased dramatically, I went from sounds of rammstein to the sounds of Marilyn Manson to Rob Zombie, to lady gaga. I have got a lot of band shirts such as Led Zeppelin,Rob Zombie,Motley Crue,3 Korn shirts,Rolling Stones,2 Lady Gaga shirts,Iron Maiden,Guns and Roses,2 Slipknot Shirts,Avenged Sevenfold,Black Sabbath, Etc. As I look back the music sounded better. I started getting into dubstep, there were bands I liked such as skrillex,krewella,and knife party. I started listening to remixes and my favorite one is the Mein Teil remix by Rammstein. Now today I listen to all mixes of music and I realize that it doesn’t matter what music genre is better, everyone has a different taste in music, just because someone has a different taste in music doesn’t mean they are different it just makes them special to that genre.

The author's comments:
I was inspired because I love music

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