Cutting Losses- Burn | Teen Ink

Cutting Losses- Burn

November 21, 2013
By Andrea Youngken BRONZE, Robbinsville, New Jersey
Andrea Youngken BRONZE, Robbinsville, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Who am I? Where do I fall?

There is always that girl who can hide in a crowd: silent but carefully observing. There will always be that girl who will enrapt her listeners. These girls despise each other, ignore the other, and continue their separate ways.

There is always that girl who shows no emotions, no fear, no sorrow. No Love. There will always be that girl whose face can be read like the cover of a book. These girls have no regard for one another. They roll their eyes when passing by.

There is always that girl who needs to get away: to run, to hide, to leave her problems behind. There will always be that girl who loves life unconditionally. These girls have no time for each other. No love I lost. No hate is gained.

We see a letter addressed to me, and though my mother is gone, her voice lectures me through the condescending words. Black text contrasts sharply on the stark white paper.

ANGER BUBBLES UP, but the girl cannot scream. SHE. IS. DROWNING. Drowning, when air is not available to breath or to release.

Despair threatens to push her down. Tears threaten to fall. Her world…. MY world, spins in a VORTEX OF RISING EMOTIONS. Rising darkness, Indescribable emotion, INEVITABLE end.

Do I hide, do I seek? To build a wall? Or to break one down? To stay…or do I go? What should I DO?

The center of the storm is the letter. Mocking. Laughing. Winning.
This cannot happen.
I will not let it.

\Smoke rises, leaving only ashes in its wake.
The girls that hide. The girls that hide. The girl whose faces give nothing away. They smile, faces lit by the flickering remains of the fire.
I look to the mirror. And in that same light, that same smile reflects back to me. And I understand. I GET it.
Who am I? Who AM I?
I… am them. And they are me.

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