Loved Ones Near and Far | Teen Ink

Loved Ones Near and Far

November 18, 2013
By Hailey2896 BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
Hailey2896 BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You are strong and beautiful Hailey never underestimate lifes true purposes for yourself."-.Marsha Soady

They say saying goodbye is never meant to be forever in one’s eyes, then again you do never when you will say goodbye to someone you love in all your heart, so make the most of the time that you have with that special someone, because that day could come before your very eyes of saying goodbye to that one person that has always taken care of you when you were a baby and a little girl to where you started forming your own personality and own way of life. When I was little I was always treated as a mommy’s girl and also a daddy’s girl due to the fact that I was their only daughter and I was always going to be their little girl because they didn’t want any more children because my mother had health issues. I myself was glad that I was going to be their only child because that meant I would get more one on one time with each parent as time went on and I became a beautiful young little girl I was slowing starting to form my personality as I loved the color pink and also my dog Jesse who was a white Bison Fraise, white as the snow I can recall loved to have fun and was a ball of energy every day.

The year was 2005 and as I recall that year was very stressful on my mother and father because this was the year my mother was very sick. Particularly in her stomach though. Well actually it was 2004 December I recall when my mother started to not feel good all over her body not just one spot in particular all over. I remember her saying many things to my father as time progressed saying things that a nine year old wasn’t really able to comprehend at that point of time in my life. My mom always told ever since I was little that she would always be proud of me no matter what the circumstances were, whether it be completing elementary school or just making good grades.

Mother always had a saying that I live by to this very day that even though she isn’t on this planet anymore it was,
“Hailey you are a beautiful smart gifted young girl and always put on a smile because you don’t know who is going to walk into your life and then walk right on out life is full of obstacles and it defines life at its finest moments because I know myself right now and so do the doctors and also your grandparents and father know that I won’t be here anymore with you guys so stay beautiful just like you are now and life will take you on endless journeys good and bad.”

And to this day even though my mother isn’t with me anymore I try my hardest in every class to show my mom I can do things in life and be successful whether it be having a part-time job at Super Target or just being a senior in high school it’s a lot of hard work to balance a part time job and juggle school work but being successful is my goal in life is my whole intention. When my mom died my father and grandparents and my uncle my mom’s brother and family had a tough time coping, with my mother’s passing meaning that I looked a lot like my mother back when I was little and to this day I still look a lot like her.

When I was growing up and finally found out that my mom had stage 4 Colon Cancer my grandparents came to Des Moines a lot even though it was three hours away from me and my parents they still made the trip practically every weekend because they didn’t know when my mother’s last day was so my grandparents stayed with us and started helping my mom get to doctor’s appointments, my mom couldn’t really get to doctor’s appointments by herself because of the fact it would hurt her to get up out of bed because her colon was being affected by the cancer and so for the ending stages of my mother’s life my mother would have an in-home health care nurse come to my house on an everyday basis due to the fact that cancer spreads rapidly and one day my mother was fine and then the next day she wouldn’t be ok, there were some days that my mom could go to her chemotherapy by herself and it would make her feel a little better but not entirely the doctors never envisioned for the chemotherapy to entirely heal her cancer to get rid of it but they did expect the cancer to slowly dissianagrate in her body .

I remembered one day nearly the ending stages of my mother’s life that the doctors sent my mother to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota where they thought that she could receive better treatment because they had done all they could for her here in Des Moines Iowa they thought they had more skilled technology up there, and that they did but they also told my family that was the nearly all they could do for my mother, when my mother came home from Minnesota I didn’t know exactly when the day was going to be due to the fact that my mom told me they didn’t know how long it was going to take care of the treatments, I remember it was the last day in August of 2005 and my dad was home with me because I needed someone to stay home with me during the night because my mom and her parents were trying to get my mom better , my dad was cooking supper outside and he came back inside to tell me that he had left something outside for me to go get for the dinner table he said,

“Hailey I forgot something for the dinner table outside on the grill would you mind going to get it for me”?
Me being the gullible person I am went outside and I’m looking for a kitchen utensil my dad told me to look for and I couldn’t find it five minutes later I heard a car pull up in the driveway and I’m thinking what the heck who is pulling up in the driveway.

Finally on September 6th 2005 my mom passed away to Colon Cancer and during that whole rest of the year my family was a wreck because of how much of an impact my mother had on my family my mother had such an impact on my family because she had a kind heart and she cared for others before she cared for herself and finally she always loved everyone as they were her own family.

The author's comments:
This story was inspired by a true story that has actually happened in my life.

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on Nov. 22 2013 at 10:40 pm
Runner222 BRONZE, Urbandale, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments
This is such a good story! Very beautiful:)