The Masks of Life | Teen Ink

The Masks of Life

October 15, 2013
By Mythical BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Mythical BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
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The Masks of life. What everybody lives by. What I live by. I wear one everyday, and have one for every occasion. But so does everyone else. What about sharing who people really are makes everyone so scared? Those who do not recognize the existence of these masks, will not be able to see them. Those who can see them, take advantage of it. They create new ones without effort, given the occasion. They understand that people will not try to dig deeper than the surface level of people. With their level of adaptability, people think that it makes them bad people, and that they use people. This is untrue. Most people that can adapt like that, are the kindhearted individuals. They will change their outer appearance to allow others to feel joy. They can comfort others when they have lost a loved one, or they can be a strict heartless leader when work needs to be done.

Not all masks are purposeful. A person who has lost a loved one will put on a mask of fake happiness. Shut out all others and appear to be strong. On the inside, they are broken. One shift in lifestyle will lead to their destruction. That’s where people who can recognize masks come in. They break the mask that people hide behind and comfort them, making the ones with the defense masks stronger.

Masks are also a creation of the people around you. Each person around you makes up a piece of one of your masks. This mask, is the mask of society. Your daily life. Put together by today’s influences and social norms. This mask is what everyone relies on. This is their life.

This is my life. I sit in my office, away from the world. In my sanctuary. Where I can be me. I put on my headset, and I don't need a mask, because I have changed myself. I have seen the masks created by people, and acknowledge them. I look at people and ask, why? Why do they need these masks? Then I ask, why do I need me mask? Through this question, I see my weakness. I see my fear. I see change. I ask myself this question everyday, and receive different answers. Due to age it differs, whether the difference of years, or of seconds. Whether it be of something as simple as spiders, or the sense of responsibility set on my shoulders when I get into the driver’s seat of my car, there’s change. A new mask. A new me.

When I got my first car, I saw a new mask, a new me. I changed. I changed from a lax easy-going person, to a serious, strict person. And I liked it. It felt weird, different, but enjoyable. People saw me different, and I discovered the power of masks. I’m currently experimenting new masks everyday. I talk different, I act different. I see the power of masks. But as Uncle Ben from Spiderman once said, “With great power. comes great responsibility.” I can’t misuse this power I have found, without losing the trust of the people I love.

These are the thoughts that hit me when I sit at my desk, and ponder. I Delve through my thoughts, find the dark depths that even I don't want to know. I look around the room, absorbing everything around me. I look at the screen, and absorb all that is there. I take information available to me, and make a mask. But through the making of a mask, I learn the purpose of masks. I learn what is needed to make a mask, or what can be had. I watch people everyday with their mask. I get to know a certain few. I learn their secrets. Their past. And I understand why they have their masks. I understand why I have mine. Their secrets and past are the only definite to some people, they become scared. Not knowing what can happen, and I’m scared. I’m scared of the world around me, and how they would react to me. How I would react to them. With my lack of connection to the outside world, it gives me time to sit, and think. I ponder about new things everyday. I wonder about my motives. What do I hope to achieve by hiding myself. I also see change. How I was then, how I am now, how I will be, and I cringe. I reflect. It’s not all bad. I learn from past stupidity. As does everyone else. But the fact that the stupidity is public, is more embarrassing than anything in the world. Thats why I need my sanctuary, my safety.

But when i leave that area, that safety, I don't leave without a mask. it’s the only way to live in this world, and we have to accept it.

The author's comments:
Just my Daily thoughts.

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