See ya Sara | Teen Ink

See ya Sara

October 7, 2013
By Anonymous

Over the summer I took my best friend Sara to the beach. We had so much fun. We walked down to where you can snorkel, and we snorkeled all day. We met some guys at the beach that were really cute. The one thing I remember the best about that trip was when we got home five minutes after our curfew. When we went to our room after my mom and aunt yelled at us for being late. My aunt Lisa was picking something up off the ground next to our door and as she was doing it Sara and I went to the bathroom to go brush our teeth. We thought my aunt was eves dropping on us so Sara told my sister and my cousin E'llise that she was. My cousin E'llise told her mom to stop listening to what we were saying and my aunt went crazy. She was screaming and yelling as loud as she could. Sara and I were in the bathroom the whole time. My aunt told my sister that she could tell Sara that she is the guest and she had no right to say she was eves dropping. But then she said "I'll just wait for Sara to come out of the bathroom." My mom told my aunt that she was being ridiculous and that she was just a kid. So Sara and I went back to our room. My aunt walked in and started yelling at Sara. My aunt is really scary when she is mad, like worse than my mom. My aunt said, "Sara you are a guest and you can keep your mouth shut and don't assume things. Get your facts straight before you start telling my family things about me." We were all so scared; Sara started crying, my cousin E'llise and Amelia had been crying, and my baby cousin Josh, who is nine, was in the living room balling his eyes out. When she was done yelling my aunt said that my cousins had to pack up their things because they were going back to St. Martinville that night. Well, it was already one in the morning so they just stayed with my grandma in her condo. The only reason she left was because my mom was taking the kids side to everything. She said my aunt was way over reacting. My mom and aunt made up and my aunt apologized to Sara for being so rude to her. The rest of the trip was fine but it was a little bit awkward between Sara and my aunt Lisa.

Another thing that I remember perfectly is when Sara's mom texted her and told her she was moving. We had been at the beach all day having a good time. Sara got up to check her phone and she had a text from her mom. It said that she was really sorry, but her moms brother had bought them a small house and gotten her mom a job. From that point on we decided to make it the best summer ever.

When we got home from the beach we made a best friend summer bucket list. We tried to do as many things as we could on our list. 1. Go to a cool concert. 2. Go on a road trip. 3. Go to the beach. 5. Have the best summer ever. We had so many more that we finished, and we had a lot that we didn't have enough time to do them before she left. But next time she comes to visit we told each other that we were going to finish off the bucket list.

We tried to spend ever moment together that summer. We had so many great memories last summer. We had a lot of sad ones too. One of the saddest memories from that summer was the day it hit me. She was going to be moving in two weeks. My mom told me that I was going to the beach two days before she left. That's when it hit me. My best friend in the whole entire world, the only person that knows EVERYTHING about me, the only person I can even talk to sometimes was moving. And I wasn't going to be there when she left. I sat in my room for what felt like hours crying. Crying about everything. When I got home from the beach my best friend wasn't going to be home to tell her everything that happened. I wouldn't be able to tell her when my family is being annoying. She wouldn't live 10 minutes away anymore, she'll live 10 hours away. I wouldn't be able to go to her house and talk about everything and just have a girls sleepover. It was the worst feeling ever. I called Sara that day and she invited me to sleepover. Sara and her mom picked me up from my house and we had the saddest sleepover. We talked about her moving and just everything. We both cried the whole time.
One of my favorite memories that summer was the surprise party that we threw her. It was the end of the summer and I was leaving for the beach on Wednesday and we threw it for her on a Monday night. My mom wouldn't let me stay home because I had no one to stay with, so Sara and I spent every last second we had together at each others houses. Our group decided to throw her a party so that everyone could see her before she left. We talked to all the parents and it was planned. We told her we were gonna go eat and then sleep at my house. It was around eight and everyone was ready to surprise her. Then she showed up. She walked to the back and I had never seen anybody so happy but sad at the same time before. She was so happy to see everyone. Sara almost started crying because she was so happy which made everyone else sad. In the end it was really fun. I know Sara had a really good time and was happy she got to see everyone.

I was about to leave for the beach and I had to tell her good bye before she moved and I would never see my best friend again. Well not for a long time. My mom woke me up at around 8:45 and we went to Sara's house. On our way there this song came on by Carrie Underwood. It was really weird, the song was pretty much explaining my life in that moment. I cried so hard just hearing the words. It made me miss Sara more even though she hadn't even moved yet. The lyrics sang "said goodbye, turned around. And you were gone, gone, gone. Faded into the setting sun, Slipped away But I won’t cry. Cause I know I’ll never be lonely. For you are the stars to me, you are the light I follow. I will see you again, whoa. This is not where it ends. I will carry you with me, oh. 'Til I see you again." It made me realize that this was the last time I was going to see my best friend.

When we got to Sara's; her mom made me wake her up. I walked up stairs and told her that I was leaving for the beach. I had written her a long and sad letter about how she was my best friend and no matter how far she moved away it wouldn't change. Even when she found new friends she couldn't forget about us. I told her that I knew things would change when she moved. I knew we would stay best friends, but we would obviously grow apart or maybe we would get closer. But we both knew that we wouldn't be as close as we were when she lived here, but we still had to talk everyday through letters, texting, calling, and FaceTime. As soon as she finished reading the letter, the tears came out. I don't think I had ever cried so hard in my life. I couldn't stop crying. And neither could she. We finally stopped crying and we went down stairs. We hugged for the last time and we both started crying again. Her mom hugged me so tight and started to cry. She thanked me for being such a good friend to Sara while she was here and she said "no matter how far apart you and Sara are you'll always be apart of our family." I started crying even harder and then my mom said we had to leave. I got in the car and that was it. I was about to be losing my best friend.

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