My Experience with Diharea | Teen Ink

My Experience with Diharea

June 11, 2013
By Teenink472 BRONZE, Perkasie, Pennsylvania
Teenink472 BRONZE, Perkasie, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever held a 10 month old with diarrhea? Trust me, the results are not pretty. I was sitting on my sister’s couch wearing my nicest jeans and a polo shirt. Sitting on my lap with a black and white dress and blonde hair brushed to the side was my niece, Alexis. I was thinking about how nice it was to see my niece since I didn’t get to see her often. Maybe that is why I didn’t feel the slight rumble coming from her bottom.

I looked straight at my brother-in-law’s camera and gave a big smile. This photo is going to be great, I thought as there was another rumble. The camera gave three soft, mechanical clicks. That is when I felt the third rumble, bigger than the last two. Boom!

My niece couldn’t hold it any longer: diarrhea rushed forward like water escaping from a floodgate. Her diaper wasn’t nearly enough to hold the poo back. Soon her diaper began to leak and it dripped all over my leg. In a matter of seconds, she had left a blob of poo on my leg and everyone was frozen for the next five seconds.

I carefully passed my niece to my sisters who began changing her while I wet a paper towel and tried to wipe off the poop. I was able to get some of it off, but it still left a brown stain on my pants. My sister offered to let me borrow pants so I could put mine in the washing machine. When she went up to get me a pair of pants, I silently prayed they wouldn’t be pink, fuzzy pajama pants. I was relieved when she came down with normal, gray sweatpants.

There is a morale to this story. I always thought I would have six children. However, having nephews and a niece has made me realize that having kids is hard work. Like Mrs. Frable says, “When you have kids you get a lot of crap, figurative and literal.” This has made me consider having kids at all. I think I will still have two or three kids when I am older, but please think twice before you have kids. Trust me, if I have kids, I will be getting them SUPER absorbent diapers.

The author's comments:
I have 4 neices/nephews, trust me I have had a lot of gross things done to me.

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