The Time Before She was Gone | Teen Ink

The Time Before She was Gone

April 26, 2013
By Robert Champigny BRONZE, East Longmedow, Massachusetts
Robert Champigny BRONZE, East Longmedow, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Come on Robbie it's time to go to Grampy's” hallowed my Mom. “Oh boy” I thought to myself. I loved going to Grampy's. It was such a treat on those few Saturday mornings where I could enjoy coffee cakes with my Grampy and play with play dough with my Memeie'. Those Saturday mornings were a big part of my life and very important to me.

After the 30 minute drive we reached their house. I was greeted at the door by my Grampy. We walked in and I took off my shoes. I slide my feet across his cold tile floor and into the living room. I meet my Memeie' in there and exchanged a big hug and then walked back into the kitchen with the rest of the family. I enjoyed coffee cakes with my family, along with raspberry danish and milk. After breakfast me and my Memeie' cleared the big old wooden table. I gathered all of the play dough materials in the big yellow buckets. We had many different colors and play dough tools.

I could have stayed for hours, we were making foods, cookie shapes, and just strange things I made with my hands. I felt I could create anything. We always had the most fun time, it was our special time we spent together. I just kept saying “ Let's make this know.” It was always so herd to leave because we had so much fun together.

Looking back I realize how much she meant to me. I never realized how much I would miss her until she was gone. We spent a lot of time together but not enough time. I miss her, and especially those Saturday mornings. Me and my family love and miss her, and we always will.

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This article has 1 comment.

Mrs. D. said...
on May. 23 2013 at 2:19 pm
Great story Robbie. It had me thinking back to my grandparents and the good times I had with them.