The Loss of Smell | Teen Ink

The Loss of Smell

March 21, 2013
By Jessica60 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
Jessica60 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Why fit in when you were born to standout?”
― Dr. Suess

“Beep beep! Beep beep!” the annoying alarm clock screams.

“Uggghhh,” I moan back. I smack the off button. It is the weekend, I think and fall back into bed. I am soon in a deep slumber comforted by my fuzzy pajamas. I am awaken by the rays of the sun coming in from the window. The bright light burns my sleepy eyes, as I stare out the window. I hop out of my polka dotted bed and onto my multi colored rug with a thud. I stare at the clock letting my sleepy eyes adjust and see that it is 9 AM. My arms stretch out over my head as a long yawn comes out of my dry mouth. My throat sends a message to my brain saying, “Give me water.” I respond to it by dragging myself out of my room into the long wooden hallway.

My tired legs get me to the kitchen where I can relieve the pain. I throw open the wood cabinet and grab a glass. The fridge door swings open and almost hits me in the face. I duck almost getting hit in the face. I push the button to the water and magically the water starts pouring out. The glass fogs up because of the ice cold water hitting the warm glass. My hand slips off the button and I bring the cold glass to my chapped lips. The crystal clear water refreshes my warm mouth as I take another gulp. I chug the rest of the water, and I put the now empty cup on the counter. I skip to the living room and plop on the comfy red couch next to my father. He stared at the TV with his puffy brown eyes locked to the screen. He looked weary and his face is scruffy from not being shaved. He is still in his plaid pajamas from last night. He sits there as if he doesn’t see me. Finally, he notices his little daughter, me.

“Oh, hi I didn’t see you there.”

“Hi,” I respond back. It feels like I just am sitting there not speaking to him. I sit with him next to me for a few more minutes in silence before he says it.

“Jessie?” He questions his words.

“Yes,” I answer patiently in my little voice. I could see a frown upon his tired face. I can’t help it, but the words slip out.

“What’s wrong?” I worry. I could see him trying to figure out a way to tell me what is wrong. The frown gets bigger and I know that something has to be wrong. I scoot my tiny body closer as if to comfort him. Now it comes,

“Last night Stinky,” He pauses, “ Stinky died last night.” He gets those words out and I am speechless. I don’t know to cry or just sit there not to do anything. I just sit there with the pain hurting me as I fight the tears from falling out of my hazel eyes. My heart aches from the truth that has been spoken. I could almost feel it pounding against my chest. My beloved, old, smelly cat Stinky is taken away from me. I hold my hand over my chest as if my heart will fall out. I am just left with sorrow and good memories of that mischievous cat, Stinky.

Meeting the Two Furballs

I throw on my pink North Face sweatshirt, and I feel the warmness fill my body with joy. Then, I grab my short black Uggs and shimmy them on my feet. I am ready to go hit the road to get the kittens. A smile crosses my rosy face and my eyes twinkle at the thought of the kittens. I can’t really decide on a name for the kitten I get to name, and Jared gets to name the other furry creature. I dash to the pine scented outside where the maroonish red Honda Pilot is and grab the cold door handle and swing it open. I jump inside and scoot across the leathery seats down to my seat in the car. On the right side where I usually sit in the car I start thinking of my possibilities for names for the kittens, Maybe Oliver, Felix, or Oscar. Oscar is more of a dog name though, so it is between Felix and Oliver. Right then the car is pulling out of the driveway interrupting what I am thinking.

“I call picking the cat that I get to name!” Jared shouts. My parents look at me with their stern eyes as if they think I would say no. I look back at them and Jared and answer back to Jared,

“OK, you can. What are you going to name yours?” I change the subject and ask him that question with a grin.

“Ummmm... Whiskers,” he weakly replies. It seems as if he just came up with it to answer my question.

“ That is a boring name for a cat,” I tell him pulling my jeans more into my Uggs sharply.

“No it is not,” he fights back with anger in his icy blue eyes. My parents shoot me a
look telling me not to fight with him right now.

“Okay, I guess it is a good name,” I quietly whisper. That gets me thinking, What goes along with Whiskers..... Whiskers and Oliver or Whiskers and Felix. Thats when I figure out what I am going to name my cat.

“Beeep Beeep!” we lock the Honda Pilot. My family and I are at this small house in North Haledon, New Jersey. We are getting the two bundles of joy from their foster family. We stroll to the back door and my dad knocks on the door.

“Hi,” a kind woman says while opening the door gesturing for us to come inside. The smell of the cooking food wafts into my nose. I take a couple steps into the cute house and see two little chiwawas playing, a fat cat resting, and two little kittens, which all fit into one tiny house. My eyes glisten as I know that the two adorable kittens are ours. My parents converse with the foster parents of the two kittens we are adopting and I watch the animals play together. The dogs get along very well with the three cats there. All of a sudden the lady’s gentle hands scoops up the cats, and she hastily cuts their claws. Is she crazy, why did she just grab them and cut their claws? I look over at Jared who is examining the cats.

“I want to name that one Whiskers because he is calmer, so I like him more,” Pointing at the grey and white tiny one he whispers. I roll my eyes thinking that he is so odd, and I let out a giggle.

“OK then the other one will be... Felix,” I announce while laughing to Jared looking at the cute black and white tabby kitten. His green eyes filled with youth and curiosity stare at his new lovely family.

“Do you want to hold him?” she inquired.

“Um... how do I hold him?” I answer blankly feeling dumb not knowing how to hold a cat. She reaches her arms out with the fluffy cat, Felix and tells me to put my hand in between the stomach and chest. I pull the cat close to my body and feel his heart pound against my chest, and the purring murmurs into my cold winter ears. The cat is at peace and so am I. My body heats up from the warmth of the 8” long body curled up against my chest. He is like the missing puzzle piece to my life.

I know that Felix will suit him now and forever. I love them already even though I only been here for less than five minutes. Those two rascals will forever be ours.


I have written about my loss of my cat and getting two kittens. Both of mine have the same theme that there will be loss and happiness in a family, but you can always face some of those struggles. Like when my cat died I was very upset and didn’t know what to do. Then my struggle of missing my cat I got through by getting two new kittens. It didn’t replace the pain of missing my cat, but some of the pain was solved by getting the two kittens. I had those struggles in my life like the loss of my cat. Then, the pain was taken away by getting two new family members, Felix and Whiskers.

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