Two Days Gone | Teen Ink

Two Days Gone

September 17, 2012
By annacatherine1 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
annacatherine1 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Two days gone. Why gone? I want them back. Those last two days you ever lived, you didn't know, I didn't know, no one knew. Those were your last two days. Now what? We cope every two days, and count our weeks, months, years all by the two days gone. The two days that we just lived through. The two days closer we are, I am, to seeing you. You, heaven. You up in heaven. Why? I want those two days gone. Living. Not counting the last two days gone that bring me closer to you, That bring me closer to heaven.

The author's comments:
This song is about someone that passed away. They were not blood related, but they were my family. R.I.P. Bubba<3

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