Summer: An iPod's Tale | Teen Ink

Summer: An iPod's Tale

January 25, 2012
By NicoleS PLATINUM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
NicoleS PLATINUM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
21 articles 0 photos 46 comments

Favorite Quote:
If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that's his problem. Love and peace are eternal.
- John Lennon

To an observer of any species other than the technology type, the life of an iPod would seem to be a dreary existence; in their eyes, we lie flat most of the time and must submit to our users’ every whim. However, they are sadly mistaken. Being an iPod, an emerald green nano to be exact, I know firsthand what it is like, and dreary is quite contrary. It’s true, we lie flat until a user finally picks us up, but once we are held in the palm of that unsuspecting hand, it’s like being a spy. iPods see everything. And iPods remember. Just turn us on shuffle, and the memories all flood back, of what we’ve seen, where we’ve been…
Cancun Bound
Enchanted- Taylor Swift
Hips Don’t Lie- Shakira
She Wolf- Shakira
Ice Ice Baby- Vanilla Ice
Barbie Girl

August 2011…. Cancun! My casing says “Assembled in China,” but I swear, they messed that up- I am a Mexican at heart. Cancun is my favorite place to travel with Nicole, hands-down. Besides the countless possibilities for my favorite activity, people watching (on the plane ride, in the taxi to the hotel, the balcony of the hotel room, etc…), I love going to Cancun because I love to see the Mexican cultures, art, architecture, climate, the beautiful beaches, and Nicole having such a great time. She is always smiling when she’s in Mexico, and she must know how much I love to people watch, because she is always meeting new friends who are so interesting to observe. We don’t spend much time together in Cancun, seeing as Nicole is always in the pool or on the beach, but I don’t mind. It’s like a vacation for me too, and in a country as beautiful as Mexico, I am never bored.

Beach Tunes
California- Phantom Planet
Dark Blue- Jack’s Mannequin
Party Rock Anthem- LMFAO
Jesse’s Girl- Rick Sprinfield
Give Me Everything- Pitbull

June 2011…. This playlist is from Nicole’s week down the shore in June! Ah, the memories. I love the beach when I am tucked cozily away into a purse. No sun or sand for me; just a quiet place to rest in the shade and spy on- ahem, I mean, keep them company with my music. They would spend all day playing frisbee, swimming, and laying in the sun. This was an especially loud five days in Sea Isle City, I do remember…my speakers ached for weeks afterwards. I guess because Nicole was with her crazy friends. They kept me up late into the night blaring music; by the last day, my battery was nearly empty- don’t they realize a fine piece of technology such as myself requires beauty rest?!

Home in July
Super Bass- Nicki Minaj
Something Good Can Work- Two Door Cinema Club
Under a Paper Moon- All Time Low
ET- Katy Perry
Down by the Water- The Decemberists
Dakota- A Rocket to the Moon
Shake It- The Maine

July 2011…. July was fairly uneventful for Nicole, however she sure kept me busy. She had me playing 24/7, but I didn’t mind because most of the time I was docked to the iHome in her bedroom (it’s basically the technological equivalent of a Barbie Dream House).
Virginia Weekend
Who Run the World- Beyonce
Pretty Boy Swag- Soulja Boy
Shake It- Metro Station

June 2011…. Another loud weekend for me, except this time in Chincoteague, Virginia. I remember like it was yesterday…. Nicole and her friends brought me to the beach and took no care in ensuring that I didn’t get all sandy! I hate when they put me on their beach towels- I always end up covered by their sandy clothing and can never see a thing. I do remember Nicole and her friends going kayaking in the channel behind the house (thank goodness I was not accompanying them in the kayaks!). They always seem to have a great time when they’re together in Virginia. They especially love to pull me out, turn me up, and dance like crazy people. It’s always an entertaining sight- especially when Beyonce comes on.

Back to School
For Emma- Bon Iver
Stand Tall- The Dirty Heads
Don’t Carry it All- The Decemberists
Steeples- Dispatch
Blackbird- The Beatles

September 2011…. September, ick! Back to school is my least favorite time of year. I hate spending hours alone in the cramped darkness of locker 389. It’s so lonely in there. I absolutely loathe being hauled back and forth on the bus. Not even people watching can entertain me on that big yellow spaceship- it’s the same people everyday and they’re all wearing the same clothes. Talk about boredom! However, Nicole and I do get to spend that quality time together, which is always important. She’ll put me on shuffle, and through the music, together, we reminisce on what a great summer 2011 was.

The author's comments:
a recap of my summer that i did for creative writing class this year, through the eyes of an iPod shuffling its playlists!

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