Two Hearts One Dream | Teen Ink

Two Hearts One Dream

October 19, 2011
By Anonymous

Some people ask me “why do you show cattle?" For me showing cattle isn’t just another hobby of mine, it’s a passion. I show cattle for the long days, early mornings, and late nights. Also for the joy and pride I get from getting another trophy to put up in my room. Showing cattle is far from easy. Having to wake up early in the morning to do chores or staying up late at night after cross country practice to work with my heifers. When you start to halter break them and you get drug through mud and slammed into fences but you just have to get right back up.

Going to jackpot shows, and county and state fairs are when all of the hard work pays off. When working with the same animal everyday and watching them grow you learn their personalities. You grow a friendship with them. They learn to trust you and you learn to trust them. I have had a lot of accomplishments with my cattle. The 11 trophies sitting on my desk really show it. “Two Hearts One Dream”, between my heifers and I we have two hearts bust we both have the same dream. We have the dream of success and bringing home another trophy.

The author's comments:
I love to show cattle. It's a passion of mine. It's a lot of hard work. But it all pays off in the end. :)

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