A Letter to My Future Self | Teen Ink

A Letter to My Future Self

June 1, 2024
By 25jchun SILVER, Tenafly, New Jersey
25jchun SILVER, Tenafly, New Jersey
9 articles 10 photos 0 comments

Dear Future Me,

Have you ever wondered how people change so much over time while the sky always stays the same? Today, I’m writing to you, my future self, because I always wonder if you will hold onto the same ideals and values that I have right now. Currently, courage and kindness are my biggest companions in life. I believe that these two virtues will help you overcome any obstacles in life and bring you a step closer to success. 

Do not stay in your comfort zone just because you are afraid of facing new challenges; be courageous and try something different every day. I am aware that time will create new experiences, which will challenge and change you. However, I truly hope that you stay true to my current two values as they have made me the person I am today.

Today, I dream of working in a science related field. I still do not know what specific area I would like to pursue, but I definitely desire to contribute to our society’s future. Every time I talk about this goal, people always tell me that I will have to study tirelessly for a long time. This is why I want you, my future self, to continue reaching higher and higher until you achieve your dreams. I hope you stay truly motivated and never stop putting forth your best effort.

While you work toward your dreams, please remember to remind yourself of the significance of your loved ones. Personal growth and joy that come from relationships with loved ones will always guide you to become the better version of yourself. When challenges begin to hinder you, it is easy for your frustration to negatively affect your relationships. Please make sure that does not happen. Your family and friends are the driving forces in your life; it is necessary for you to maintain a good balance between pursuing your ambitions and spending time with loved ones. 

Moreover, I remind you that taking care of your health and loving yourself are your long-term friends. Go watch some hockey, play some golf, and eat some acai bowls to keep yourself healthy both mentally and physically.

I sincerely advise you to never lose a spark toward your ambitions and goals. However, when pressure gets in the way, always remember that not losing yourself in a sea of challenges is very important. Hard work, effort, courage, and kindness are your main tools that will help you with a journey to happiness. I trust you, my future self, and I know that you will do a great job of holding onto these values. Make good choices and march toward your future successes!

With a virtual hug and a wink emoji,

My Present Self

The author's comments:

This contest caught my attention because so many people started asking me what I would like to study in college and do in the future. As a high school junior, I always wonder how much I will change over time. This contest made me reflect on who I am today and who I want to be in the future.

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