My Passion For Music | Teen Ink

My Passion For Music

October 14, 2021
By Anonymous

I cruise through the isles of the record store, stopping every few boxes to sift through the stacks of records. Sometimes I see something I like and I grab it to take a closer look. Or maybe, I walk to the back of the store where the CDs are located, and my eyes follow alphabetically looking for something I like. I spend hours here, enjoying the aura it holds. I usually sit on the floor to look at some of the cheaper records, finding gems of the past for a really good price. I walk to the checkout holding various music formats in my hands. A couple of CDs, a cassette tape, and some records is usually what I leave with. I pop the cd I just purchased into the CD player in the car and listen along until I get home. Once I am home, it’s like a ritual. I walk into my room and start putting everything into the spot it goes. CDs go alphabetically into my shelf, cassettes get put into a case where there's an empty spot, then my records go into my crate. I carry this passion for music everywhere, my walls are covered in posters, my wardrobe is swallowed by it, and my phone has plenty of playlists on it all with certain themes and custom covers on them. 

The thing I carry is my passion for music. Music is the blueprint for my life, I enjoy lots of genres mostly from the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Music flows through me like a car driving fast down an empty speedway. I have songs memorized within my head that jump out whenever the song is playing. The entourage of guitars, drums, keyboards, and many more cascade into me like a waterfall. My room is lined with it, whether it's the crates filled with records or the shelves lined with CDs, or even the slots in a box filled with cassette tapes. I have posters and old ticket stubs from concerts to bands before my time. A giant tapestry covers my wall with the album cover art for Dark Side of the Moon. My closet has a plethora of band shirts and sweaters. My dresser has a record player sitting on top of it, ready to have a relic of the past spinning on it. Everything in my life revolves around my passion for music, I have carried it since inception.

If you see me you might notice that I wear a lot of black clothes, but if you look closer they almost always have a graphic design on them representing the bands I like. And whenever I can, I have my earbuds to listen to music. I usually walk along drowning out the noise around me and having the music loud enough to feel it.

Before you enter, you may hear the soft rumble of music playing and maybe every so often a guitar solo rips through the walls. When you open the door, the sound of music floods into your ears like a tide coming in and you take in the aura of the room. You look around and within seconds it is guaranteed you will find some sort of music memorabilia. Maybe it's the CD shelf, wooden crates full of records, or the plastic containers full of cassettes that you spot. If you didn’t spot that, you probably saw my giant Pink Floyd tapestry or the posters covering my wall. On the dresser, there’s an old cigar box full of my parents' old concert tickets that they let me have. If you opened my closet, there you would find lots of band shirts. Taking an even deeper look, you would see my movie collection with a couple of the movies I own being biopics of the bands I like, or concert videos. My room is inhabited by music.

The author's comments:

I really like music, and when my teacher had us write a memoir about something we carry with us I had to choose my passion for music because I am always listening to music.

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