Don't You Know | Teen Ink

Don't You Know

March 4, 2020
By Anonymous

Don't you know when you're a little kid or even a baby you always have that one toy or thing that you love so much you don't ever want to get rid of it. So, as a child you love keeping it close when you're sleeping and don't want it to ever leave your side. But, after you get older and older, so is that thing you love, so what I loved forever just stays in my closet because there is not much more to do with it its so old. But, what i've kept forever is a pillow that I used to sleep with and it got older and older it started getting holes in it. After time as I got older I got out of the whole sleeping with every stuffed animal. And, this one was so important I couldn't lose or get rid of it or I would cry. So, lily used to always say its stupid I still have it and that she threw it always said she was going to throw it in a dumpster and everytime she did that I would almost cry and emmidiatly go tell my mom that she was being mean about a stuffed animal I had kept for almost 10 years. I still have but dont and cant use it as a pillow because how old and messed up it is and it makes me sad because it was so long ago we don't remember where it came from so I can't get another one to keep or use as a pillow and it is s0 old it has holes in it I used to want to put things in the holes of the pillow. Now, back to what lily did to me about my favorite pillow you can tell I love it not as much now as I used to. But, a few times my mom almost made me cry because she told me it might be time to get rid of it, sell it, or even just throw it away, so a few times I actually cried but then, finally she came to a solution to put it in a plastic thing to protect it from not getting worse. It makes me sad to think I cant use it anymore and yes I could get rid of it or keep it forever as a memory. But, also if you think when you get older you can pass it on to your children or cousin or any family member or friend that you love and that you know will pass it on as you get older to the young ones in the family. Besides that what I understood more was that everything you get as it gets older you don't have to get rid of it or throw it away. You can always just keep it as a tradition for your family and always remember it and pass it on as your family gets larger and as its keep getting older and you might stop passing it on threw your family but, then you can make a new family tradition. And then keep that with your family for awhile until it's time to make a new treasiotion again.

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