Equality | Teen Ink


April 26, 2019
By Kaylonie23 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Kaylonie23 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When did you first learn about equality? How is equality important? Equality is important because it gives males and females rights to be equal and to be treated with respect, no matter who you choose to be with or to be who you are. I remember, the first time I learned about equality, was at my group retreat at  community center I used to volunteer at, and the topic we were talking about was, LGBT+Q rights and how their community should have equality by their side, No matter what. However, in the olden day’s when people would come out or question themselves about their sexuality, they were being treated awful, they couldn’t enter certain schools, restaurants, parks, stores, etc. they would get bullied and tortured for just being themselves. Until on June, 27, 1969 in New York their was a movement, for rights for those in the LGBT community. After that it was justice for gay, lesbians, pansexuals, transgenders, and genderqueers. Even straight people started to be ally’s to support, LGBT communities. This issue stating, that equality is more important in life than anything. We wouldn’t be doing the things we do now if equality hadn’t gave us the privilege to. #PRIDE

The author's comments:

My connection to this essay is personal to me because, i can relate to it as a bisexual young women.

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