PULLED | Teen Ink


March 4, 2019
By Puppy_Lover1 GOLD, Adel, Iowa
Puppy_Lover1 GOLD, Adel, Iowa
17 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
When something goes wrong in your life just yell "PLOT TWIST" and move on

I dragged my body into the house after a long day of school. I was surprised that I was not knocked over by a “mini express train at full speed”. I noticed it was quiet. My little brother was soundly sleeping in the chair and his sweet little teal blue eyes were closed. His Ninja Turtle pajamas slowly moved up and down as he breathed.

He started to wake up with a little whimper and opened his mouth wide like a lion.

“Look”, he bellowed. I noticed in his lion-like, mouth, he was missing, nearly all of his teeth. I looked at his light chocolate colored hair and his razor-sharp eyes. So I ask his “majesty” what happened.Then his “excellency” said, “I had my teeth pulled”. he obviously was in pain and worried you can tell, this because he pouts like you are trying to feed him garbage. He grunts and groans when he doesn't get his way, and thinks he can get away with anything, when he is in pain or sad and thinks he can get a whole lot of attention and sympathy and thinks he can get all the  ice cream in the world and so we, raced to the car to see who could get in and get buckled first. I won as always. I was in my light blue sweatshirt and, sweatpants and Aiden was in his Ninja Turtles PJs and when we got to the store we get cookie dough ice cream and when we got home the Novocaine wore off and he, is back to normal and bouncing off the walls and DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Running around in his Ninja Turtle PJs and his neon yellow shoes. While I'm screaming HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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