Overdose | Teen Ink


February 20, 2019
By Anonymous

I never meant for this to happen. I hadn’t meant to swallow all those bottles of pills the night before. But four to five pills led to a handful, a handful led to a bottle, and a few bottles later I was laying on my bed, in and out on consciousness until the morning.

It was a Wednesday, 7am, and my mom was yelling at me to get up from the other room. But I was unable to move, save for the uncontrollable tremors I’ve had all night. I tried to call out, but my throat was so dry nothing came out. When I hadn’t answered or gotten up, she came into my room and saw me shaking.

“Oh my god, what’s wrong? What did you do?” she asked, with fear in her eyes as she ran toward me.

“I'm sorry, I took some pills last night.” I tried to say.

“Do I need to call 911?” She asked herself, before grabbing my phone and deciding to call.

As the operator answered, my mom explained what was going on.

“What pills did you take?” She asked me.

I shook my head, because I didn’t remember what I had taken. She told the operator to send an ambulance, and to hurry. Once the EMTs arrive, I am lifted out and wheeled into the ambulance.

I continued to lose consciousness throughout the ride, and one of the EMTs keep telling me to stay awake. However, I again pass out, this time for several hours. The next time I wake up, I’m laying in the hospital bed, with tubes going in and out of my body and machines beeping all around me.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for class, and I choose this time in my life because it is something that changed me forever. 

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