The World Needs More Smiles | Teen Ink

The World Needs More Smiles

October 19, 2018
By Cokeindoorfur BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
Cokeindoorfur BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a rough day and needed someone to lift you up to your feet? Many people around you feel the same way! In my opinion, The secret tip to make others enjoy their day is to make them smile. For me, I love to see smiles on other peoples faces because it starts a chain reaction of smiles. I enjoy making other individuals smile just to glimpse at their exhilarating expressions. I want you to guess what object I carry with me that reminds me to stay positive and to brighten everyones day.

My object is small in size, but always does the trick. It looks like many tiny, red pebbles that are uncomfortably packed into a clear museum casing. There is nothing special about it until the lid is unsealed. The smooth pebble is satisfying to the touch from it’s roundness, and taunts the holder to enjoy its exciting flavor. It is plain on the outside, but magnificent on the inside with it's sweet sour taste. The red swirls from the candy tickle your tastebuds and cheeks filling them with joy. The fresh scent of watermelon spreads around the room inviting others to be involved and join in on the fun. The more you chew the faster it’s flavor expires becoming bland and boring for the chewer. This the the feeling I grasp when I make my classmates laugh. I feel like I am the candy that settles everyone’s sweet tooth.

When you walk through the crowded hallway alongside everyone else, towards your next classroom, do you feel the desire for a new change to lighten the boring mood? Whenever I enter a classroom the boring smell of a library enters the room causing everybody and I to become drowsy and bored. The warm air adds to the sickly feeling as I stare blankly into the abyss as though time has stopped, causing the day to feel longer. Abruptly, everybody forgets about the heat and boredom and are intrigued from my amusing entertainment. As laughter fills the room, there are smiles on everyone’s face bringing joy to their starlit eyes. Before, their eyes appeared cloudy as though they were brainwashed. Their sickly pale faces lack an expression as they are oblivious to their surroundings. Lounging around in their workstation, my peers are slouched over moving slowly like sloths.

My perfect smile with short trimmed hair matches my golden tan perfectly. My hazel eyes are surrounded by a teal blue rim which light up the room. The vibrant colors I wear from bright orange to scarlet pick me out from the grey crowd. My personality shows my bright color allowing me to be different from everyone else. I feel I have the power to bring light into everyone faces with the snap of my fingers. Everyone else has a nonchalant expression, which brings dejection to everyone's lives. My rapturous expression overtakes the others reckless behaviors ,allowing them to feel joyful. As their smiles emerge onto their faces, their colors swiftly change from grey to varieties of bright vibrant colors with dimples drilling holes onto their cheeks.

It always makes my day when I see smiles on everyone's face from my entertainment. I obtain a warm feeling inside as though I made a difference in their life. Always stay positive because you never know what the people around you might be going through. My favorite rule, also referred as the “Golden Rule”, is “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” If you follow this rule, you will bring happiness into other individuals lives by giving them energy from smiling.

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