My Angel's Song | Teen Ink

My Angel's Song

September 26, 2018
By KarlieDiprizio BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
KarlieDiprizio BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This song is called, “Cop Car” by Keith Urban. This song is very special to my mom and I because we always all listened to it with CJ. We had many songs we listened to but this one was the most meaningful one to us. We all knew each word to the song and always jammed to it and sang it all the time. It was our song and I will never forget it. Everytime I see a cop car, I just flashback to all of the times we all listened to the song together and it makes me sad and happy at the same time because it made me think of all our happy memories sitting in the car singing but sad because I know I can't make any more memories with him.


CJ had a really bad type of cancer.  He had brain cancer since he was a baby. Through the years of CJ being sick he was in the hospital a lot for his chemo and just to get checked. We learned not to take life for granted and just live life to the fullest. We really never knew how much longer he had until August of that year and things went downhill. He was in the hospital a lot that month so everyday after school I went to visit him. When we got to there we just talked with him and my aunt and just enjoyed the time we had with him. I was always so scared I was gonna lose him but i never believed it. Everyday that month I listened to our song, “Cop Car” because it made me happy thinking of all of our memories. In September of 2016, I had to say goodbye to my little cousin and my best friend CJ. Everyday since I have listened to my angel's song, “Cop Car.”

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