Answers to My Mom | Teen Ink

Answers to My Mom

December 10, 2015
By Aryell BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Aryell BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Do you know? Do you know who our Lord and Savior is? His name is Jesus Christ and he came from heaven. He was here to help us mistaken people. We mistaken people have told sins, which have hurt God. In the end we still hurt God but we know how to fix it. It is a good relationship with God and yourself that can make your relationship better and stable. We can become disciples under his name, preach his stories ,his teachings,his glory, and praise. This is how we can help and help the world in the future. Many people might not believe in God but I do and the person that I'm going to interview does too.
My interviewee is a family member of mine and I have some questions that might help me understand my religion and the reason why I was taught this religion. My interviewee is my mother ,who is 45 years old. She is an African-American. I chosed this person to interview because she is one of the most closest person in my life because she is strong, beautiful, and knowledgeable.When I grow up I want to be just like her. I want to interview her because I like to know why I am christian. Throughout my life I took after my mother, so I didn't know why I was Christian. The moral of the story is the importance of family and understanding your religion because throughout the interview my mother said based on her upcoming she believed family is essential for life and religion is based off her family. Family is like a tree that grows big  and wide with green leafs of powerful memories. 
Let's go to the interview :
Interviewer: How have family affected your religion?
Interviewee: I do not believe that religion has impacted my life no more than what the religion I have before I had my own family because my family was pretty much Christian liked the way I lived my life before I started having my own family.
Interviewer: I never knew this my mother felt this way about religion, I just followed or copy what my family did. Really I didn't come to understand this until now because I have my own thoughts and reaction to things.
Interviewer: How does God influence your family on a day to day basis?
Interviewee:" God guides us through everything that we do every day, he also guides us through every step along the way."
Interviewer : I also believe this because without him I wouldn't be alive.
Interviewer: When you hear the word Christ what do you think of and why?
Interviewee: "I think of salvation, sacrifice, love, and togetherness because  those are the main things that get you through life, those are the thoughts that you should have as you go through your journey in life ,and that is what he's done for us throughout life."
Interviewer: I have no reaction to this answer because I am build on the same ideas that parents have, so I agree with what my mom says because it is true.
Interviewer: What qualifies you to be a Christian?
Interviewee: "The way that I live my life."
Interviewer: Why do you believe in God?
Interviewee: I believe in God because he's the higher being that got me through life, he helps me understand things that go on, he helps me with sorrow, work ethics. He also helps me to understand how to raise my family ,how to be obedient to my husband, also helps me run my household,and my general way of life.
Interviewer: How have religion classes affected you?
Interviewee: "Religion classes help you understand the Bible because it helps you to understand how to be related to the scriptures and using those in your life. It also helps you to collaborate with other Christians or other religion seekers to get a understanding of exactly what is being taught in that class "
Interviewer: Have your beliefs ever changed over time?
Interviewee: “No because the religion that I have in me was inherited from when I was a little girl into the woman that I'm today.”
Interviewer: What question would you like to ask God if you had the chance to meet him?
Interviewee: “You should not question at all but the flesh is weak. So you question when pain or sorrow when he takes people that you love. For example: when my father pass I wanted to ask God why because he was a good man, or like my friend Dee, I did wonder that question but I didn't ask.”
Interviewer : This was a impact on me because I do question him in my head but never said it out loud. I know that is inappropriate to say to the Creator of the world.
Interviewer: How would your life differ without God?
Interviewee:” I think I will be lost,I think that I wouldn't having any morals, I think the things that happen in life will be harder, and I would have no understanding of things that were happening or could happen. “
Interviewer : Throughout this interview I have come to understand my mother more and why she does the things that she does.
What is religion: something you heard at church , at a funeral, or outside? Jesus is everywhere. Family is everywhere. It might be your cousin, your nephew, your niece, or your whole family. People go to church just to say” Jesus, help,” when you have seen yours in a casket. RIP, rest in peace, but really repeat it please. Jesus is our savior,our mighty omega, the holy trinity. Jesus is everywhere. His loving arms are always around us...


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