School Uniforms | Teen Ink

School Uniforms

January 7, 2009
By Anonymous

While I agree that school uniforms have both their pros and cons, I think that they are a bad idea. I think that requiring children to wear standardized uniforms gets in the way of self-expression. Students who are forced to wear uniforms will only find other, less appropriate ways to express themselves.

I also believe that wearing the same thing over and over every single day would get so boring, like being stuck in a rut. And some experts believe that school uniforms attempts to strip children of their individuality. I don’t believe it would be saving parents much money for uniforms either, because they have the uniform to pay for, and then all of the outside-of-school cloths. School uniforms do not prepare children for the real world, in which they will continue to be judged by appearences.

Critics argue that different types of clothing feel comfortable to different people. Some children are more comfortable in specific material or style of clothing. Uniforms reduce one’s ability to choose clothing that fits their comfort needs. Experts believe that children need to feel comfortable in order to maximize learning, and uniforms can therefore deter academic success.

Many educators and experts believe that, although in theory uniforms should improve academic, behavioral, and social outcomes, in reality they do not. These experts argue that studies of schools who initiate uniforms do not report improvement in an of these areas; therefore, if the desired outcomes are not reached, there is no valid reason to standardize student dress.

Many educators and experts believe that, although in theory uniforms should improve academic, behavioral, and social outcomes, in reality they do not. These experts argue that studies of schools who initiate uniforms do not report improvement in any of these areas; therefore; if the desired outcomes are not reached, there is no valid reason to standardize student dress.

So in closing, I again say no, school uniforms are a bad idea!! It takes away students freedom to make decisions, it hurts the need for self-expression, it stops students from feeling unique and special and also, students don’t want to be forced to wear what everybody else is wearing. Teachers and school-board members need to put the students shoes and see how they would feel if the right to express themselves was taken away from them.


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love me said...
on May. 24 2013 at 1:09 pm
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