Dream, Believe, Succeed | Teen Ink

Dream, Believe, Succeed

April 7, 2014
By Madison Hester BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
Madison Hester BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“To me Rodney is most known and remembered for his ability as a builder, tuner, and a rider and having six kids and being able to balance out time with each and everyone of them and his hobbies,” says Amber (Rodney's wife). Rodney and his family are a big part in my life, to me they are not just friends they are family. He is able to have a day job at Biomerieux and earn money for his family. He also comes home when he gets off of work from his day job, and spend time with his wife and six kids. He has a night job that he goes to after dinner and family time with his kids. That job consists of Rodney and his dad working at Rodney’s dad’s house to build street and grudge bike motors and fix other peoples motorcycles.

On some weekends he races his own Pro Street bike and Grudge bike. He says “Racing gives me and my family more opportunities to travel with the family and spend more time together.” Rodney shows many people that he can have many hobbies and kids and handle and balance out time with each and everyone of them. Rodney has always been able to achieve many things in life whether it has to do with any of his jobs or his family . “I think that my dads biggest achievement that he has ever accomplished is being the first no wheelie bar bike rider to be in the 6 second zone.” Says Rodney's daughter Skyler.

Rodney has had many family members help him in his life and support him. “I believe that I have have helped Rodney out by always being supportive and helping him achieve the next level in what ever he is doing!” Says Amber. Rodney has always been an amazing father to his kids and an amazing person in general. He is able to take good care of his kids and helps them with whatever they need help with. He has won many national titles in his racing history and many more to come in the future.

Rodney’s legacy to me is him being able to pursue all of his passions and still have time for his six children. How his legacy has impacted me is that he is able to balance out time with all of his passions, it is amazing how he does that . That impacts me because I want to be able to do many things in life as well and also be able to have time for my family. He has shown me that you can do more than one thing in your life and still have time for your family. You can also achieve more than just one thing in life no matter what anyone tells you.

The author's comments:
I interviewed my main person Rodney and a few of his family members and wrote this papet

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